June 2011


ACADEMY X: because saving the world is easy...teenage hormones? not so much.

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June 22nd, 2010

[info]fire_and_life in [info]academy_x_ooc


Howdy, y'all! Amanda here, showing yet again how very weak I am. Sigh.

For your consideration, I present Ms. Jean Grey, played by the lovely Sophia Bush. You can find her full bio here, but here's a brief rundown. She turned 29 last month, she likes to cook, and she and Scott are meant to be, yo. Since Movieverse!Jean didn't really have much of a personality (to go along with her equally personality-less boyfriend), the only thing I've really kept from that incarnation is that she's on the school's medical staff. She's not a surgeon or anything so if you get that effed up she's hauling your clumsy ass to the hospital, but she's good with mild injuries, common illnesses, checkups, that kind of thing.

That said, Jean is friendly, soft spoken, levelheaded, and more than a little bit of a den mother. As one of the older residents at the school, she's more or less taken on the role of surrogate mom to the younger kids and big sister to the older ones. If you ever need extra help outside of class, she'll be happy to accommodate you; likewise, if you need an extra person to fill out your bowling team, she could probably be talked into that, too. She's often the one who has to scold students (okay, and the occasional coworker) who get too rowdy, so some of the students probably think she's as much of a stick-in-the-mud as SCOOOOOOOTTTTTTT! Scott. Really, though, Jean's just a peacemaker and she likes to maintain that peace. She's not a total buzzkill, however, as she loves to have fun and just be silly now and then, regardless of how much of an authority figure she's supposed to be. She takes her job seriously, but she plays hard, too. So, yeah. Just remember that.

As for plot ideas and potential scenes, obviously anything with Scott would be appreciated. Scenes with Alex, plz? She hates that he and Scott don't get along well (her sister's her best friend! Why can't Scott and Alex act that way?), so now and then she takes it upon herself to play mediator between them. But she also genuinely likes Alex in his own right, too, so she wants to hang out with him sometimes.

She and Betsy, I think, could get along marvelously. They're both former models (except Jean's totally jealous starstruck because Betsy got to do all the awesome couture stuff) and they're both telepaths. And, as I pointed out in her bio, they both have great hair! Yeah. Totally a bonding point.

Would be pretty awesome if she worked with Julian on his telekinesis (and really, where's he gonna find a better teacher?), and if she just so happens to steal one of Emma's prized students from her, well, so be it. :P

Ideas? Thoughts? Let me know!