June 2011


ACADEMY X: because saving the world is easy...teenage hormones? not so much.

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June 2nd, 2010

[info]aife_screams in [info]academy_x_ooc

GUYS. I have discovered that I have mutant powers. My powers are kinda like Kevin's, except instead of killing anything organic, I kill technology. True story.

My laptop has suddenly decided that it doesn't want to turn on...at all. Now, this could be explained by the fact that it's almost four years old, but there's a story behind the story! I'm only using this old laptop because about two weeks ago I somehow deleted the entire operating system off of my six-month-old netbook. Yeah, I have no idea how I did that, either. I'm talented that way. I also just recently had to replace my iPod because it wouldn't play music and my GPS tries to send me to Tampa, Kansas instead of Tampa, Florida, in addition to seeing roads where there are none.

Since I don't have a THIRD computer I can use as a backup (to the backup), I have to rely on the computer labs on campus. I live off campus, so this will slow down my posting by a lot- but not stop it entirely, because the internet is crucial to my life right about now. I've only got one character (luckily?), so it shouldn't mess anyone up too bad in terms of plots...I think. Hopefully I can get this resolved soon. D:
