After The Battle

September 2012


August 17th, 2012


Who: Agent Elle Jones and Agent Phil Coulson
When: 4 months after the events of The Avengers
Where: London, England
What: Agent Jones is the new Supernanny.

Hospitals suck. )

Who: Thor and Loki
When: Immediately after The Avengers ends.
Where: Asgard
What: Thor brings Loki home for justice. However, in the end, Thor will always see Loki as his brother, his family. It's fine -- not like Loki can run very far.

Yes, Thor's a trusting fool. Yes, Loki takes full advantage of that fact. )

Open to Bruce Banner

Tony was sick of meetings. He was sick of shouldering the blame for what happened in Manhattan, sick of the fact that no one seemed to appreciate the fact that he almost died preventing a nuke from destroying New York City as a whole, and he was sick of Pepper's almost constant reminds of other meetings that he had no interest in attending. Wasn't it enough that he was donating millions to help the rebuilding of the city? That he'd saved the city?

Vultures, all of them, he thought as he walked into Stark Tower, already in a foul mood from the meeting with the governor of New York. Yet again he was going to be brought before congress to defend his Iron Man persona. He hadn't gone three steps when J.A.R.V.I.S. spoke.

"Sir, Miss Potts wished for me to--"

"I don't care, Jarvis! I just. Don't. Care. Please tell me Bruce is around somewhere."

"Yes, Sir, he's on level three. But she really--"

"Don't care!! Do not care. Not going to hear it. Save it for when I'm drunk."

"But Sir--"

"Jarvis! Don't make me dismantle you!"

"All right..."

"Christ," Tony muttered, making his way to the elevator to go to the R&D level Bruce was on. "I need a vacation."