After The Battle

September 2012


Sep. 15th, 2012


Open to Clint

What: Right after this. Bruce and Clint talk.

Even if Thor didn't manage to distract Tony for however long this would take, Bruce hoped that Tony would have enough sense to not barge in on something like this. And, if he did, well Bruce was sure a few well-placed (empty) threat would work to get the genius away to let him speak to Clint alone.

Despite everything, this was not a conversation Bruce really wanted to be having. He despised not having control when the Other Guy came around. He hated that he had to trust that nobody would get too badly injured. He hated that he couldn't even study himself.

But maybe that was exactly why he was the perfect one to approach Clint on things like this. As soon as he found out that Clint had been under Loki's control, Bruce immediately felt for him and wanted to help. At least Clint's loss of control could be (and eventually was) cured.

Bruce hesitated outside of Clint's door for a long time before he managed to reach up and knock on the door.

Sep. 14th, 2012


Who: Tony Stark and Aurora Watson
What: Tony shirks his responsibility for a drive up to Connecticut with Ms Watson
When: The day after Thor hands out the journals

He really needed a break. Maybe a night out on the town. )

Sep. 13th, 2012


Who: Agent Elle Jones and Agent Phil Coulson
What: Coulson is recovering in Elle's home
When: One week after his release from hospital. (September)

Recovery was taking a while as far as Phil Coulson was concerned. )

Sep. 9th, 2012


Open to Clint, Tony, Steve, Bruce, and Loki (if he wants to cause trouble)

What: Thor gives everybody presents!

Thor waited until Loki was sleeping before he left the room in search of someone. He wasn't sure where any of his friends were, so he decided to wander through the fortress (because what else could this place be but that?) and check whatever room he happened to come across.

When a voice came from the ceilings and asked if he could help, Thor jumped and looked around for the threat. The voice continued to speak, and it did inform him where the others were, but he was still weary. He decided to go to Tony first, since this was his abode, and inform him of this sentient voice.

He searched for a bit longer until he found the Man of Iron (right where the voice told him) and he stared around the room before clearing his throat.

"Do you know that there is a voice in your walls?" he asked. "I am unsure who it is, but I cannot see him. He knows where all of you are."

Sep. 5th, 2012


Open to Director Fury

Tony not only had to deal with making sure Thor and Loki stayed on Thor's floor when they got back to the tower, explaining everything to Bruce and Clint (both of whom he asked to keep a very close eye on Loki -- well, actually, he had asked Clint to stay away from Loki), but he also had to call Fury and explain to him what the hell was going on. He wanted to leave that to Clint, but he figured it was like when Coulson was around and he was supposed to be debriefed all the time.

He went to his room and sighed, "J.A.R.V.I.S., contact S.H.I.E.L.D. for me, get Fury on the phone."

"Right away, Sir."

This was going to be a pain in the ass, and he knew it.

Sep. 4th, 2012


What: A look into Steve's new life and headspace.

Steve had spent his time after the war with the Chitauri trying to get used to modern life in New York City. Of course, with his re-emergence he'd been busy with charity work (Tony really hadn't been far off when he joked that Steve was rebuilding orphanages) and despite his attempts to stay out of the lime light he found himself photographed quite often. That was familiar, at least, even if the cameras pointed at him now were very different.

He had managed to keep the location of his Brooklyn apartment a secret, at least )

Sep. 1st, 2012


Encrypted memo sent to Nick Fury - marked URGENT


Reports show Asgardians Thor and Loki have hit ground in Las Vegas, NV. Tony Stark has landed and is NVPD station.

Officer David Wilson arresting officer.

Further orders required.

Aug. 31st, 2012


Open to Tony, Thor, and Loki

When: two hours after Thor's phone call
Where: Vegas

Tony found himself going over everything from the battle with Loki and the Chitauri in his mind during the two hour flight. He was so deep in thought that the flight was over before he knew it, and he was on autopilot as he headed from the tarmac to the jail he needed to go to. Normally, if it had just been Thor, he'd have wired the money and that would be that, but with Loki there as well... No. Tony wasn't about to chance it.

He walked into the police station and said loudly, "Where's Officer Dave?"

Thor and Tony (and Loki, too!)

What: This takes place directly after this post. Thor and Loki get arrested and Thor demands his phone call.

Well, he would if he knew what a phone call was. )

Aug. 30th, 2012


Thor and Loki

What: Odin gives his decision, Loki doesn't like it, Thor does what he wants, and the Major of Las Vegas gets a very interesting interruption.

And Loki gives the Avengers a reason to forever make fun of him and his aiming skills. )
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Aug. 26th, 2012


What: Thor demands, Loki doesn't answer, and then Thor fears. All in all, Loki doesn't appreciate Thor's concern, especially when it comes to Thanos.

Warning: Feels Ahead )
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Aug. 24th, 2012


Thor and Loki

What: Thor and Loki talk after the ultimatum of three days.

There are some non-sexual bed hijinks, too. )
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Aug. 22nd, 2012


Open to Tony, Bruce, Steve, and Clint

There were several reasons Clint Barton was heading for Stark's tower. One was that he'd missed spending time with those people he had come to think of as his team, and another was that it was his most recent order from Fury. He was to keep an eye on Tony and any other avenger that might be around the tower.

Slinging his duffel over his shoulder, he didn't look as dressed for an assignment as he looked like he was slumming it. Clint had a few arrows and his bow inside among clothing for nearly any occasion, and if he could stay there a while, he would send for more of his things (if they hadn't already been tossed out of his seldom-visited apartment). He stood outside the doorway wondering how he was supposed to begin this whole thing. Did Tony have a camera set on the door so he didn't have to knock? Clint sighed and shook his head. This whole thing was going to be weird, he just knew it. Well, he thought, opening the door and going inside with a quick look around, here goes nothing.

Aug. 21st, 2012


What: Bruce has nightmares.

Not that he tells anyone. )

Aug. 20th, 2012


Between Elle Jones and Phil Coulson

It had been a month since Agent Coulson had woken up. Four long, long weeks that consisted of him pushing himself too far in physical therapy and ending up being drugged to sleep because he was in too much pain. Elle continually reminded him that he'd had organs replaced and that he needed to calm down and take little steps, but did Phil actually listen to her? No. After all, what did she know? She was only another agent who happened to have the same clearance level he did. Who was watching over him. Who was pretending to be his wife, for God's sake.

Elle had gotten to the point that she would simply roll her eyes and give him that sigh that said, "you idiot, you're going to end up in bed for another three days." She was beginning to think they should have taken him to Germany; the nurses there were far more strict. The nurses at this hospital were too polite, and too happy to see him awake that they nearly let him get away with anything. She had stopped the contraband they'd tried to sneak in for him, at least, but she had a feeling if she let herself sleep for even a minute he'd sneak out and go to ground.

So she stood at the end of his bed and glared at him, voice firm, "you have got to slow it down, Greg." The, 'or I will make you' was heavily implied in her tone.

Who: Tony Stark and Aurora Watson
What: First meeting
When: The day after Bruce and Tony's talk.
Where: Stark Tower

We really should just kill all the lawyers. )

Aug. 17th, 2012


Open to Bruce Banner

Tony was sick of meetings. He was sick of shouldering the blame for what happened in Manhattan, sick of the fact that no one seemed to appreciate the fact that he almost died preventing a nuke from destroying New York City as a whole, and he was sick of Pepper's almost constant reminds of other meetings that he had no interest in attending. Wasn't it enough that he was donating millions to help the rebuilding of the city? That he'd saved the city?

Vultures, all of them, he thought as he walked into Stark Tower, already in a foul mood from the meeting with the governor of New York. Yet again he was going to be brought before congress to defend his Iron Man persona. He hadn't gone three steps when J.A.R.V.I.S. spoke.

"Sir, Miss Potts wished for me to--"

"I don't care, Jarvis! I just. Don't. Care. Please tell me Bruce is around somewhere."

"Yes, Sir, he's on level three. But she really--"

"Don't care!! Do not care. Not going to hear it. Save it for when I'm drunk."

"But Sir--"

"Jarvis! Don't make me dismantle you!"

"All right..."

"Christ," Tony muttered, making his way to the elevator to go to the R&D level Bruce was on. "I need a vacation."

Who: Agent Elle Jones and Agent Phil Coulson
When: 4 months after the events of The Avengers
Where: London, England
What: Agent Jones is the new Supernanny.

Hospitals suck. )

Who: Thor and Loki
When: Immediately after The Avengers ends.
Where: Asgard
What: Thor brings Loki home for justice. However, in the end, Thor will always see Loki as his brother, his family. It's fine -- not like Loki can run very far.

Yes, Thor's a trusting fool. Yes, Loki takes full advantage of that fact. )

Aug. 2nd, 2012


The story...

The Chitauri have been defeated, Loki has been taken back to Asgard to be tried and convicted by their justice systems, The Avengers have disbanded and all is well with the world. Or is it? At the end of The Avengers film, we are given a glimpse of the powerful Thanos. Is he biding his time, or will he attack while New York is being rebuilt and the world's most powerful players have dispersed to heal? That's what this game is about...

Join us to develop the lives of The Avengers after the battle, and prepare for dark people to come out of the woodwork in an attempt to take advantage of the separation and rebuilding. It's going to take money, after all, and powerful people can manipulate the current situation to their liking. (Especially powerful people from China...)

Yes, this game with involve plots teased by Marvel, including Mandarin, Thanos, and others. Not only that, but prior relationships can be altered. Just because they're together in the film(s) doesn't mean they'll stay together here, and just because they're single in the film(s) doesn't mean they'll stay that way, either.

Welcome to After The Battle. Are you ready to assemble?

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