Jan. 27th, 2012


[There's No Place Like Home]

There was only one sun in the sky above her. It was low, ready to dip behind the highest buildings, but it was still a long way from the binary star system that had made up her sky for the last five years.

That wasn’t right, because the only place that had a singular sun was the other place, and Fred had spent so long in her cave that she couldn’t be sure if that other place had ever been real. (Although, if it wasn’t real, why did she remember that its sun was a main sequence star, generating energy from nuclear fission of hydrogen into helium at a core density of about 150 g/cm³?)

The floor felt strange beneath her bare feet. )

Oct. 14th, 2010


Hunger Pangs and Vampire Fangs

His journey back to the relative comfort of the Hyperion's cellar was, for Angel, one occupied less with his immediate surroundings and more with the gnaw of hunger growing in in stomach.

The fight, or rather fights, with the both the now slain demon and the near doubly slain watcher were little more then rapidly fading memories in the burgeoning shadow of his rising famine. Blood. A few pints of O negative, maybe a splash of B positive for flavour and then sleep.

Angel's eyes dropped down to the latch of the door that separated L.A.'s true underground from the lower sanctum of his home as half dried gore played the part of super-natural glue, treacly bonding hand and handle enough to trigger a fleeting shift in focus from thoughts of dinner as the Vampire reconsidered his plans for the evening.

A shower. Yes, he'd have to squeeze in a shower somewhere along the line but it could wait for now. Everything could wait. Everything would have to wait until he'd fed.

"So hungry" he grumbled under his lack of breath as he climbed the stairs towards the Hotel's first floor and more importantly, the kitchen.
Read more... )

((OOC I'm not entirely sure if this was the plan but reading through the other thread I had the vague memory that we had talked about moving to a new thread. If this is in error, please forgive me. If not, YAY me and my tenuous retention of knowledge. Either way, I'm Back Baby :D ))

Dec. 15th, 2009


Of empty vessels and full drawers

The empty glass gave a dull *thunk* as it dropped the last inch from Angel's hand onto the wood of his desk. The dark, worn grain starting to show its lack of weekly polish in the light from the bankers lamp, itself hinting at signs of neglect with a faint powdering of fine, grey dust over green glass and brass.

There was still... )

Dec. 11th, 2009


Previously on...

[Points of reference; events leading up to the start of _intotheabyss_. There may be references to characters that have not carried on over to the new game or are now being played by someone else. Please disregard these mentions. There may be other story-lines/scenes from the old game touched upon in future posts here. If you have questions, please direct them to the ooc community or one of the mods via email.]

Spike/Cordy - the ice cream debacle

Cordy/Wesley - Run in with the former Boss Man/Broody Vamp Extraordinaire; Now we need a drink... or ten

Doyle - The Return

Doyle/Angel - First Contact

Doyle/Cordelia reunion; Angel is Mr. Cranky Pants