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Sunday, November 14th, 2004

    Time Event
    I wrote this when I was VERY tired and somewhat bored. If you can make sense of it good. If not, well. Ignore it.

    "Ode" By Creed. Or my interpretation thereof..
    Peace is what they tell me
    But I'm just a freedom fighter, no remorse..
    the peace is DEAD in my soul
    Who's got my back now?..
    Somebody told me the wrong way...
    There's still time.. ..
    I cry out to God seeking only His decision
    Hey God I know I'm just a dot in this world..
    But again I stand against the faceless man...
    The eyes stare at me in the dark..
    He looked me right in the eyes direct and concise to remind me
    Children with no vision do exactly what they're told..
    (But I don't know him.. because he lies)
    Waiting by the phone..
    Should I sleep or stay awake?
    Step inside the light and see the fear of God burn inside of me....
    Or is it all just an illusion?
    She told me where I'm going and it's far away from home..
    What if those words could be charged like a crime?
    But they ain't here anymore. . .
    Cause they were sent to wash away those years.
    Are you ready for what's to come?
    We may rise and fall but in the end we'll meet our fate together.
    Only In America we stamp our god "In God We Trust"
    Gabriel stands and confirms I've created my own prison
    Cause we all live under the reign of one King

    Will they open their eyes and realize we're one?
    Teach me now to relearn my love....

    Current Mood: tired

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