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Sunday, September 1st, 2013

    Time Event
    Welcome to Storybrooke.
    The combined magic of Emma and Regina stopped the failsafe and saved Storybrooke from complete destruction, but that wasn't all it did. The backlash from the device unbalanced the magic and things began to change. Though Emma and the others tried to leave Storybrooke, seeking Henry, they found that they couldn't. Something was keeping them from leaving, as if a wall of magic had been placed around the entire town. They were trapped. And soon, things began to take a strange and unsettling turn.

    Portals have begun opening. People are appearing out of nowhere, with no idea how they came to be in the town. It's as if the magic of Storybrooke is trying to draw more people in, pulling them from other worlds to fill the town. The residents of Storybrooke are adapting as best they can, and the displaced visitors are trying to make new lives for themselves. But portals aren't the only changes and nobody can be sure how the out of control magic will affect everyone next.

    Welcome To Storybrooke is a panfandom game set within the universe of the television series 'Once Upon a Time'.

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    Life After McKinley High School


    What does the Future Hold?

    Character Directory
    Player Directory
    Character Community
    Welcome to Life after McKinley! The game that wonders what will happen after everyone graduates McKinley High School. Who will leave Lima behind for something more, and who will stay? Life after graduation is bound to be full of excitement and trials. Join us to watch it all unfold.

    In this RPG you will be able to take your character anywhere. Will Rachel finally be able to live her dreams in New York along with Kurt? How will all relationships work out-- If Finn chooses to work in Burt’s shop, will he and Rachel be able to make it work in a long distance relationship? And how will the new members of New Directions be able to live to the others expectations? It’s all up to you in how you would like to portray these characters.

    In this game we will be welcoming OC characters. After all, Mr. Schue can’t just let New Directions disappear just because everyone graduated. But with all the others gone or staying in Lima, will they all return to McKinley for a big reunion? It could all happen in Life After McKinley. The game is set in the year 2013, so what will the future hold for the GLEE kids?

    Even though that this is an AU game, if you would like something that happened in canon on the show you can have that happen. But if you don't want something to happen, for example, Sebastian never tried to put the moves on Blaine then you don't have to have that happen. So its all up to you on how you would like things to happen in the game

    Characters Needed:
    Artie Abrams,Joe Hart, Mercedes Jones, Tina Cohen-Chang, Mike Chang,Ryder Lynn,Jake Puckerman, Dave Karofsky, Kitty Wilde, Roz Washington, Wade "Unique" Adams, Cassandra July, Will Schuester, Emma Pillsbury, Shannon Beiste, Sue Sylvester, Shelby Corcoran, Azimio Adams, Warblers, Original Characters, Hiram Berry, LeRoy Berry, Carole Hummel, Burt Hummel

    STEP RIGHT UP! Ladies, gentlemen, other beings - how would YOU like to travel the GREATEST of countries, these Uniiited States? To see the sights? Why, I bet there's places you've never even heard of! What do I have to do? I hear you ask, well, that's easy. Join the Carnival, of course! Yes, you'll be given a job. You'll be fed, have a place to sleep and be given a cut of the takings. Why, what more could a person ask for in these troubled times?

    Carnaval de la Lumière is a brand new panfandom game set in a depression era (1930s) traveling carnival. We accept fandom and original characters alike. Characters are given a role within the carnival, travel the country with it, and will often find themselves dealing with supernatural issues along with the more mundane. So if you're looking for something a little different, be sure to come and look inside the tent!

    The carnival has begun! Will you come and join the show?

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