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Wednesday, July 24th, 2013

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    When the Second Wizarding War ended it seemed that even though the danger had passed, it seemed as if more questions than answers were left behind across the board. Needless to say there weren't any easy answers. But together they worked to rebuild their community, their world, have children, teach them the lessons that they had learned through this whole ordeal.

    Or so people thought. Things remained quiet until early 2021, when people started to go missing, various break in attempts at the most secure parts of the Ministry, public attacks and a New Mark rose in the sky. Over the next five years, while the events seemed sporadic, each one is worse than the last.

    The Department of Magical Law Enforcement is now starting to string together both the events together. But a new set of questions is being left...who are The Veriti? What do they want? Are they the Death Eaters reborn? Or are they something worse? And will we be able to stop things before they escalate?

    WANTED: Weasleys! Band members for our recently famous rock band! Maggie Davies! Ravi Carmichael ! Jude Finch-Fletchley! Ryder kids! Quidditch players! Best friend lines!

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