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Friday, July 27th, 2012

    Time Event
    An alternate universe. Jean Grey and Charles Xavier perished at Alkali Lake. Scott Summers has left the Institute and it is unknown if he will return. Ororo Munroe is tasked with returning the Institute to what it once was.

    Focusing on the school. The students and staff have shut out what they can in order to focus on their own thoughts and feelings. We are focused on them as they try to cope with the changes.

    Story is what matters here. Character drama is fun and we're looking for fun. Let's all have a great time and not worry too much about the details.

    [info]xemplified: have a little fun.


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    beyond nature, beyond fate.
    Over twenty-five years have passed since the "strange" and "indescribable" events had occurred in the small town of Hollow Creek, North Dakota. The aftermath of foolish games and uncontrolled power left many scarred, few dead and a demon bound to an object, never to be released. With the passing of time came the next generation of those involved in those events. Spread out across the nation, and even across the ocean, no one ever expected that history would repeat itself hundredfold.

    The summer of 2012 was one of curiosity, new experiences and definition of oneself: it brought together a few young adults in Hollow Creek and the areas surrounding it to form a coven. Past objects were found tucked away in the storage of the town's church- a plethora of books, notes and essential items one would need for witchcraft. And again with the foolish, unknowing acts of children, the past was released in the form of a vengeful demon.

    Now, in various parts of the country, people connected to the events are being hunted down by the demon and those that wish to follow it. The supernatural world is in a stir over the awakening, while those clueless to the past watch as their reality is tipped over with their own discoveries and the deaths of their loved ones.

    Spirits are growing restless, vampires and werewolves are sensing the evil times ahead, while the witches, psychics and normal society can choose to believe what they see and sense and feel, or ignore it and face the consequences.

    [info]archival . [info]praeter . [info]realis . [info]socialnet

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