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Thursday, October 7th, 2010

    Time Event
    Before you, Bella,
    We all know the story of New Moon, but what if things didn't end the way that they did?

    The year is 2006, and emotions are running high. Edward left Bella in a state of heartbreak and confusion, which only pushed her closer to Jacob Black. Even after learning about Jacob's little secret, Bella found that she couldn't keep herself away from him. He had become her best friend and the source of light in her life, and eventually feelings began to develop between the two of them. Meanwhile, Edward stayed away from Bella as he had promised her, and therefore couldn't see how broken she had been during his absence. It was only after Bella's cliff-diving mistake that her life began to turn upside down again. Rosalie told Edward that Bella had died, which forced him to make an irrational decision to go to Italy and face the Volturi. Alice came to check on Charlie, and instead found Bella alive and well when Jake had taken her to her house.

    But what if Bella had never gone to Italy? What if Edward returned to Forks the day after Alice came to check up on Chief Swan because he just had to see the truth for himself? And what if the recent murders in Seattle reached Edward's ears once Carlisle found out about them? Will the battle against this new threat be the greatest one of their lives, or will the task that Edward has to face in order to get Bella to believe him be greater?
    my life was like a moonless night.

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    welcome to harmony
    A city of blue skies, good education, plentiful jobs. People are charming and courteous, crime is kept to a minimal. But lately, shadows lurk in every corner, and amongst whispers in the dark - or occasionally shouts - you hear of unrest and chaos.

    Things are rotting, crime steadily increasing, mobs forming, and rival corporations are playing a massive game of chess in an attempt to seize control of whatever secrets they think the former town's ruler has left behind. And you, my dear citizen, are in the middle of all this.
    why stay, you ask?
    Harmony is more than a city. It grows, it breathes, it watches and waits. Located at a crossroad in the universe, it brims with magic, not always under control. Harmony tends out tendrils of suggestions to help the citizens tolerate the ocassional malfunction. After all, Harmony likes you, and wants you to stay.

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