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Thursday, January 14th, 2010

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    And Dark Realms- RPG






    The Beyonder a being known to have god like power; a being that ushered what certain hero’s of Earth would call secret wars. But the Beyonder has been caught off guard in his period of rest. A dark rift opened a door way to the Nether realm where a dark Fallen Elder god used to enter the Beyonder’s presence. The dork lord with the use of magic merged with the Beyonder distorting the god like power to his own gains.

    Lord Shinnok is weakened due to his restful state. He turned his dark and evil eye to earth and other places. With the merger of the two gods Shinnok can begin his new found quest to open the gates of Chaos and usher a age of darkness for all in creation. Those with black hearts from all time and space have already sworn allegiance to him.

    Because of this disturbance of the Beyonders realm it leads to time rifts dimensional rifts bringing people from alternate universes where alchemy is a accepted science and the mystic arts are just as potent. In the mist of al this a race of beings The Skrulls are a breed of green-skinned humanoids from the Andromeda galaxy. They were a fierce warrior race who carved for themselves the oldest surviving interstellar empire in the Universe’s history. Skrull science was generally at a higher level than the science of human civilization. The Skrulls were ruled by an Emperor or Empress, who had absolute power. Skrulls became aware of Earth when they discovered a space warp linking Earth and Throneworld. They saw Earth as a world to conquer but they were content to hold off a full invasion Because of their caution, the Skrulls sent only a handful of scout warriors to infiltrate Earth.These Invader can mimic Human Appearance and trait there knowledge of human culture and government has giving them the skills to hack into Human systems and some skrull have even been able to copies the ability skills and powers of many hero’s’

    Doors to realms are opened and people are slipping through. In and out. Intergalactic aliens slowly infiltrate earth populace a dark fallen god is messing with the fabric of realty groups like hydra and A.I.M and other organized groups bent on world domination are also active…What will be done? Who notices? What are people doing? What are the rifts having on the earth natural cycle……you decide!



    In 1954 when Grindlewald was at the height of his reign over Europe a hero descended on him with a group of like minded individuals and ended the sweep of terror that was plaguing the Wizarding World. That great Hero was Tom M. Riddle. You might have heard the story as it being Albus Dumbledore but this is a different tale. It changed so many things and now with Minister Riddle heading the British Ministry the Wizarding World is a far different place. Albus Dumbledore never received the prestige and honor of downing such a threat. He never even became headmaster of Hogwarts, no chocolate frog card; he is merely a bright wizard that never reached his full potential.

    There is no such thing as interaction with the Muggle World. The first task of the Department of Mysteries was to device a way to pinpoint muggles carrying magical children. When that was accomplished all expecting mothers of magical children were taken to the Wizarding World. The woman is paired to a fostering magical family expecting a child around the same time. When the children are born they are called Magical Twins. The muggle woman is obliviated and deposited back in her world with no idea where her child has gone or that she was even carrying one. These twins are treated no different from any blood related children of their parents. It is a gift to raise a child in such a way giving them a better life then they could have had otherwise. Blood classification has been abolished. A magical child is only that, a magical child.

    [info]path_not_taken is a 6th Year MWPP AU Game with an altered time table to allow for multiple interactions centered on Hogwarts.

    Game opens FEBRUARY 1st.
    Most Wanted: Gilderoy Lockhart, Merek McGonagall, Prometheus Riddle, Sebastian Riddle, Faculty, Magical Twins, Gryffindors, Hufflepuff Males
    Whittle Well


    "If a universe can be imagined, it exits."
    Professor M.R.Franks, Member, Royal Astronomical Society of Canada

    A revolution has recently taken place within society’s attitude towards certain laws and civil rights. This transformation has left many traditionalists scared and fighting but most have been liberated due to the changes and are keen to allow them to continue. Mainly the rights for women and children have altered drastically. The change to female rights is almost immediately noticeable with the change of fashion.
    Medical and scientific understanding has improved and the experimentation for artificial limb use and ‘upgrades’ to the physical being are becoming highly fashionable however extremely costly.

    Whittlewell is the capital city of the British Empire and is on the cutting edge of the steam revolution. Its advances in air ship travel and compact innovations for steam capability are the envy of the world and have lead to the boon in wealth. However the gap between rich and poor is ever expanding.

    The year is 1865 and you are invited to come and join us.

    Whittle Well RP

    We are now open and currently accepting applications!

    So if you are interested in a victorian, steampunk-esk RPG come take a look!
    Salem Academy - An American Harry Potter game on Inksome
    Witchcraft is not evil. At least not any more than lighting a votive candle, praying for a sick friend, or carrying a lucky charm is.

    --Lady Sabrina

    The truth of the matter is that magic exists. It's been right under everyone's noses for centuries, and yet it's been kept secret. The Statute of Secrecy had been threatened, possibly compromised, and for the first time ever, Muggles are about to learn of the existence of witches and wizards.
    Already groups have formed. Groups bent on revealing wizards to the world. Groups bent on covering everything up and keeping it as quiet as it's been. The school's safety has been compromised once before. What's next for the students of Salem Academy?

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