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Tuesday, October 13th, 2009

    Time Event

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    Something has happened - the Veil is unraveling. Slowly and steadily humankind is waking up to the fact that their stories and legends may be a little more fact than fiction. Some may stay silent as to what their eyes see, some may deny it...while others may not. How about you?
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    The Unraveled is welcoming to both individual plot and things that affect everyone, and our Races are taken much more from old legends than modern fandom. If you've been looking for a home for an orphaned character, or have been yearning for a game with dedicated mods and solid mechanics, give this one a try.
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    Currently Casting | Casting Studio | Application | Rules | Quadrivium RPG

    “The Road goes ever on and on down from the door where it began. Now far ahead the Road has gone, and I must follow, if I can, pursuing it with eager feet, until it joins some larger way where many paths and errands meet. And whither then? I cannot say.” –J.R.R. Tolkien

    On the night of All Hallow’s Eve, 1981, the Dark Lord Voldemort fell at the hands of one-year old Harry Potter, bringing an end to a decade long reign of terror, to the relief of the entire Wizarding World. Death Eaters were imprisoned, wounds healed, and the Wizarding World spent the next decade healing from the pain of the first war. Yet, Voldemort was not truly defeated that night. He will rise once more, bringing upon another vicious war upon the Wizarding World.

    Everyone knows the story of James and Lily Potter and the story of their son, Harry, but until now, the story of what happened in between has been unknown.

    It is 1990, the year before Harry Potter will discover he is a Wizard. Professor Quirrell has left his post at Hogwarts to travel Romania, where he will soon discover the Dark Lord and become his vessel, but back at Hogwarts, all thoughts of Voldemort ever returning are far from anyone’s minds. The students of Hogwarts are far too worried about their love lives, winning Quidditch matches, and avoiding being the target of the secret gossip column of the school, while their professors have similar interests.

    Rivalries run deep, love comes and goes, and the foundation for the future is being paved.

    Everyone stands at a crossroads, the road behind them broken and wilting. The road ahead holds a mystery. Which paths in life will they chose? Who will they become? Only one thing is certain; they must choose.

    Quadrivium is a canon compliant Harry Potter Interim Era game taking place in 1990 focusing on character development. Game opened May 09, 2009.

    Most Wanted: Terrence Higgs, Professor Quirrell, Percy Weasley, Oliver Wood, Students, Teachers, & many others!

    "The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches...born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies...and the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal, but he will have power the Dark Lord knows not...and either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survive..."-The Prophecy

    Our story begins as 1980 dies, as the final year of the first war against Voldemort is underway. Lord Voldemort and his followers strike fear into the hearts of all. Giants and werewolves serve the Dark Lord, doing his bidding. The Death Eaters roam free, killing Mudbloods, Muggles, and Blood Traitors as they please. Hundreds have died and disappeared. As each day passes, the resistance grows weaker. Voldemort seems to be invincible and all hope is lost.

    That is until a Prophecy was made; a child with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord will be born as the seventh month dies to those who have thrice defied him and with a power that the Dark Lord will not understand. This child would bring an end to Voldemort’s reign. And so the Dark Lord set out to kill this child before he can grow into a threat.

    The problem lay in discovering the child, for two couples who had twice defied the Dark Lord were expecting children, both due in July. In order to seek the answer, Lord Voldemort kidnapped the Unspeakable assigned to the Prophecy, assuming that there he would find the truth, but the Dark Lord did not expect Marlene McKinnon to be brave enough to deceive him.

    How could a child born to either the Potters or the Longbottoms be the supposed Prophecy child when their parents had only defied him twice? And the probability of them doing it a third time was inconceivable, who would be foolish enough to defy the Dark Lord that many times? She insisted that a wizard as great as he was, was foolish to waste his time on the silly words of a false seer; she believed the prophecy was false.

    With that lie, the children remained momentarily safe with their parents none the wiser to the fate that potentially awaited their children. Until the night of the Autumn Equinox; Halloween, 1980, when Lily and James Potter will once again defy the Dark Lord Voldemort and make the Prophecy a reality.

    Now the Dark Lord hunts for the couple and their son, his focus distracted from his original goal of ridding the world of those whom he found to be unworthy; all that matters now was his immortality. This leaves room for the resistance to grow stronger. And just as it seems that there is no hope for the Potters to come out of this alive, Alice and Frank Longbottom thrice defy Voldemort, sending them into hiding as well.

    The fate of the Wizarding World lies in the hands of two small infants and a group of vigilantes working for Dumbledore. How can they stand a chance against Voldemort and all of his forces?
    It’s time to find out.

    Exodus is a canon compliant RPG set in the Era of the Marauders, which follows the lives of James and Lily Potter, Frank and Alice Longbottom, the Order of the Phoenix, the Dark Lord Voldemort, and his Death Eaters during the final year of the war. The end of this story is well known, but how they get there is all up to you.

    Game play begins Halloween, 2009 and ends November 01, 2010.

    Do you have what it takes to fight this war and survive? If you’re brave enough to find out, then apply and we’ll see you on the battlefield.

    Most Wanted: Sirius Black, Bones Family, Amycus Carrow, Barty Crouch Jr., Fenrir Greyback, Rabastan & Rodolphus Lestrange, Frank Longbottom, Xenophilius Lovegood, Prewett twins, Peter Pettigrew, Arthur Weasley, Order Members, Death Eaters, and many others!

    Currently Casting | Casting Studio | Application | Rules | Exodus RPG Community

    Darkest Days: An Original Mob-based PB Game

    ::The Game::
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    ::Members Only::
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    Adds: Tues/Fri 6PM EST

    now open for play!

    marauder era: fall of '78
    what's going on?application processavailablitylist of concerns

    Rules | FAQ | Application | Taken | Contact List | Holds | Drop | Insta-Friends | IC Contact | Wanted Characters | Agency Information | Camelot Information | CORE Information | Further Information


    You wake up one morning with a headache, you wonder if you're hung-over but you didn't drink anything last night so that can't be it and after taking a painkiller and heading to work you forget all about it. A few days later you think you back to your childhood and there's a memory that doesn't fit, it doesn't make sense and you try not to think about it because it sets you on edge and makes you feel uncomfortable.

    It doesn't stop.

    Maybe weeks go by, or maybe it's months, and someone turns up on your doorstep. Maybe they look official, or maybe they're wearing jeans and a T-Shirt, but they introduce themselves and tell you that they're from something called 'The Agency', they sit you down and if you're lucky they'll make you a cup of tea or pour you a drink before explaining it all to you.

    The memories are real, but they're someone else's, someone you always thought of as fictional. You're what they call a reincarnate, someone who's been reincarnated from this fictional person, brought into this world with magic that no one yet understands.

    They talk about a war that's being fought between two sides of reincarnates, the good and the bad. You're not told what side to pick or that you need to, but you know that a day will come when you and the person you used to be and are possibly becoming will need to choose.

    Layout profile code thanks to ReversesCollide

    MARVEL 616


    Rules & FAQ

    Marvel 616 is a comicverse game that takes place within the current Dark Reign storyline. The game will begin with Norman Osborn as the main, overarching villain, with his hands in just about everything. Other threats will include HYDRA, A.I.M., the newly formed M.R.D., as well as the human-sentinel hybrid Bastion and the re-powered Magneto. The game will also have a space element that will pick up with the aftermath of the War of Kings, with plots for the Guardians of the Galaxy, Starjammers, as well as other groups and individuals. Powerful characters such as the Sentry will available for application, while other features will include the ability to create teams, and locations pages for characters. Check us out today!

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