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Sunday, August 23rd, 2009

    Time Event



    “We forget all too soon the things we thought we could never forget.”

    Taken Characters

    It is now 2009, thousands of years since the Greek deities were chased away from the earth. Mankind has grown and prospered without them, but a group of people, those who still believed, set out to do the unthinkable. They began a ceremony that would ultimately re-empower those who hung lifelessly amongst the cosmos. Priests, priestesses and followers of every kind took part in this forbidden ritual. And when they were finished, the sky began to shake. Cities and towns throughout the world witnessed the sudden change in weather patterns and they watched helplessly as thunder shook the grounds for days on end.

    Months later, the gods began to descend, all re-entering the world alone and at different times. The storms have stopped, but the world as we know it is bound to face those who it discarded years ago.

    The forgotten ones have returned.

    Plagued RPG - Where do you run when it's in your blood?
    A Post-DH Hogwarts Based Game!

    On September 1st Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry reopened, only this time with an extra bundle of students. The old class of '98 have been invited back to resit their year with the current NEWTS class. Room is made for them in their former houses and tensions are lifted from Hogwarts for the first time in a long time.

    Meanwhile, in Europe, Wizarding communities are being crippled by a virus that slowly destroys the ability to perform magic. Emergency procedures are put in place to try and stop it reaching Great Britain.

    However, a teacher and student are confirmed to have the virus and the Ministry immediately quarantines Hogwarts, placing a ward around the castle and its grounds to stop the virus spreading further.

    One by one students find themselves losing their ability to perform ever the simplest of spells. But even as they struggle to try and discover a cure, darker forces are beginning to close in on the school...

    What would you do if you lost your magic?

    Wanted! Seamus Finnigan, Susan Bones, Theodore Nott, Tracy Davis, Quidditch players, Death Eaters, OCs and lots more!
    Game Starts September 1st
    Open now due to popular demand!

    [info]plagued_rpg | [info]plagued_ooc


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