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Friday, June 5th, 2009

    Time Event

    Welcome to Reading. It's a place where the sun is always shining, and people always have a place to be. Where people dress up to leave the house, and always have something interesting to talk about. Where nursery rhymes aren't just in books, it's where they are alive. It's where you can find Humpty Dumpty sitting on a wall, and an old lady who lives in a shoe. If one could step into the world of fiction, you'd find yourself in Reading. Life here can be magical and terrible all at once. Reality in Reading is not always realistic. And things are not always as they seem.

    Underneath the sunny exterior lies a much darker Reading. The only thing bigger than the rhymes themselves, are the crimes that seem to surround them.

    the premise - the rules - character list - application - faq

    Erased: Where Cartoons Meet Reality!
        It started with Pixar. While Woody felt himself being replaced by a shiny, new Rocketman, the two dimensional cartoon world saw the beginning of what would be their end. Some cartoons had already slipped into a comfortable retirement, but most saw the death of their own genre as the three dimensional world took over. But, instead of being erased from pop culture history, the old world entered the new. Broke through it, in fact.
        Roger Rabbit was the first to leave Toontown. He had always been known for having one foot in the door and one out, but better for being completely obsolete as soon as his movie ended. One morning he woke up in the real life body of Roger Baxter, an up and coming television star. The two Rogers were forced to make sense of each other, exist in the same body and help other cartoons that were jumping off the page into the streets of Los Angeles.
        This is Erased. A game about your childhood and how it just can't seem to slip away.
    The Alteration: A Dark Next Generation HPRPG

    The Alteration:
    A Dark, Non-Epilogue Compliant Next-Gen Hogwarts Roleplay

    Sometime between the fall of the Dark Lord and nineteen years later, something went horribly wrong...

    click here for more information
    Peripeteia: A Greek Gods RPG

    An Adult Greek Mythology Roleplay set in Present Day.
    With opportunities for character development and playing out your favorite myths.

    Taste the magic! WANTED: Warmongering ARES, psychojealous HERA, philandering ZEUS, crafty HEPHAESTUS, and MUCH MORE!

    Click here for more information!

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