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Wednesday, March 25th, 2009

    Time Event
    Pentamerone - Fairy tales and folklore RP on Inksome!
    What happens after Happily Ever After?

    Heroes and villains alike seek someplace to exist before they fade from existence. Others search for a way home, not sure if there's a home left to go to. Pentamerone is the last stronghold of human imagination. The hundreds of magical lands and worlds that used to exist in the minds of children are now in a state of decay. Pentamerone is a world of mystery, of new places to be explored, and full of new people to meet. It looks idyllic, peaceful, welcoming. But only one thing's certain:

    Once you cross its borders,
    you can never return home again.

    Game Info // Characters Wanted
    Mod Journal // IC Journal // OOC Journal


    [info]postbellummod || [info]postbellumooc
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    It's 2001. Three years after Harry Potter defeated Voldemort. The war is over. Everyone is moving on, or at least trying to. The dead have been mourned and buried, but are all but forgotten. Lives, businesses and relationships must go on. Time won't stand still, even in Diagon Alley. The Wizarding World is almost completely rebuilt on top of the ashes of a time that cannot be forgotten, but everyone is still walking on eggshells. The fear of collapse is still looming on the horizon, even if no one will admit it.

    Welcome to the Post Bellum period.

    Game Starts: Monday, March 30th!


    Rules | FAQ | Application | Taken | Contact List | Holds | Drop | Insta-Friends | IC Contact | Wanted Characters


    There's an elite boarding school an hour away from San Francisco that's dedicated to the education of children with superpowers: Veritas Academy. Veritas takes these children in and helps them control their gifts - trying to turn them into productive members of society. The lucky few become heroes and villains that are respected and feared the world over, but the rest also have real stories to tell. They are known as businesspeople, lawyers, doctors, academics, nurses, and teachers. They are the people you know, but never stop to truly wonder about.

    There are success stories and failures that are known everywhere, but not everyone can be Superman. The majority of the students remain virtually unknown to the majority of the public as they go about their everyday jobs and lead their everyday lives.

    The Veritas Alumni Association decided to follow the trend that had been set by Livejournal, Facebook and MySpace, and set up their own social networking site. It became known as something that old students use to keep in touch with friends, watch their enemies and complain about their everyday lives. Yet in between the complaints, arguments and laughs that the students are having, something is beginning to interrupt their lives:

    Someone is killing alumni, and no one knows who's going to be next.

    Layout profile code thanks to ReversesCollide

    Time Between: A Twilight RPG


    "The Time has come for the great ones, the ones who have long since hindered our lives, keeping our identity secret, to fall. They do not believe in our race, in our freedom. Our kind has been turned in to the monsters that hide away until night. It's time to let us become the superior race we were created to be and let the humans know it is not God they should fear, but it us." - Maria

    "When I lived with the Volturi, I met two immortal children, so I know firsthand the appeal they had. Aro studied the little ones for many years after the catastrophe they'd caused was over. You know his inquisitive disposition; he was hopeful that they could be tamed. But in the end, the decision was unanimous: the immortal children could not be allowed to exist." - Carlisle

    There are whispers through the south that something epochal is going on. The newborns of Seattle were nothing compared to what's been rumored to be happening this time. Talk of a group of immortal children being created and of Maria, the woman who managed to escape the Volturi's punishment for her participation in the Vampire Wars of the South. She's been quietly biding her time in Mexico, slowly gathering up an army of her own, one that rivals and surpasses the Guard. She's found herself at the head of a cult like following of Vampires that have each been scorned by the Volturi Royalty themselves. Joined by the Romanian's who have long since been awaiting the moment for Volterra to be overthrown, this group of Vampire's are looking for a fight.

    The Volturi itself faces complications of their own, and what will happen when their loyalty to each other is tested? What will become of the men that have kept order amongst the Vampire world for over a thousand years when the guard that they count on leaves their post? Who will they turn to to keep their numbers strong and present a united front?

    [info]time_between is a post Eclipse, complaint game, focusing on writing an alternate ending to the events that happened after the third novel in Stephanie Meyer's saga Twilight.

    Opening April 1st.

    Currently casting: Vegetarians (including some Cullens!), Vampires, Shape-Shifters and Humans!

    A stable core of players have dedicated themselves to making this an active, exciting game with a lot of plot for all characters, and not just certain groups of species. Ages 18+
    The Premise | The Rules | The Cast | The Wanted | The Application

    Sons of Cain|OOC|Mod Journal


    Character List|Wanted & Held Characters|Application

    Location Info|Premise
    A post-apocalyptic world where vampires are the majority, lycans roam freely, and humans are raised as cattle to feed the hungry predators. Las Vegas has changed quite a bit in the year 2033. Ready to enter the new City of Sin? This original RPG is starting up again on IJ and looking for adult players. Come and join the chaos.
    NO SUCH PLACE: An original fantasy RPG.

    “ . . . All that was left in Pandora’s box was hope.”

    During the 21st century, a global pandemic swept over the world. They dubbed it the “Pandora virus,” or PV for short, because of its devastating nature. The virus tore through the world’s population. It killed almost one-third of humanity in its first month alone. Countries everywhere grew panicked, believing it to be a work of biological terrorism. Nation stood against nation, and a worldwide war began. Much of earth was laid to waste within just a handful of months by the combined effects of nuclear war and the Pandora virus. Survivors immune to the virus found the world uninhabitable, and many of them perished due to radiation poisoning or famine.

    There were other creatures who inhabited this planet along with human beings, though. They had just been in hiding for many centuries. Praeternaturals, they were called. Legendary beings and creatures believed to be nothing more than myth. They were also biologically immune to the Pandora virus. With the foresight of the oracle Euryale, groups of praeternaturals learned of what was to come and prepared for the preordained onslaught. They had built safe havens protected by magic in hidden areas across the world. Taking in as many humans and praeternaturals alike as they could before the war, these communities provided a stable living environment for the survival of all species.

    One such safe haven is an ancient land once inhabited by elves, abandoned by them long ago, and renovated into a sanctuary. They call it Elysium. Located in the modern-day Republic of Macedonia near Lake Ohrid, it was once a part of Greece. Now, it is a part of the process to one day rebuild the world.

    Game Objective.
    No Such Place is an original fantasy role-playing game catering to various genres, but it has action oriented game-wide plots that affect all of its players. The world is completely interactive and reactive. Whether you prefer action, drama, romance, or horror — this game allows you to play all and pick your favorite to explore. Your objective is to create your own story. However, beware the setting. Everything affects everything, and like a domino effect, No Such Place will affect every character and player with things beyond their control.

    Go ahead, take refuge in the land of Elysium. We promise you'll be safe.

    Important Links.


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