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Thursday, February 19th, 2009

    Time Event
    Old School RP
    Do you miss the old days of role-playing, when people worked for story-lines and didn't expect things handed to them on a silver platter?

    Do you miss the days when games were about posting threads and logs, not LULZ AIM chats and macros? Or about content and plot, not about popular faces, challenging each other's holds, and who has the best icons?

    Do you struggle to find places to advertise when communities like ~rps and ~pbads push your ads off the page within hours?

    Do you wish you could find games like that still and don't know where to look for them?

    Welcome to Old School RP. This is the ad community you've been missing.


    On December 26th, 2009, the cruise ship Nausicaä set sail from Miami to Bermuda on her maiden voyage.

    In the months beforehand, 100 lucky people from all over the world won themselves a ticket with a budding cruise line, Odyssey Lines. Some entered themselves, some didn't - though it was explained that a friend, family, or co-worker anonymously submitted their name in a contest. To all winners, it seemed like a dream come true. An all-expenses paid New Years celebration in paradise. Plane tickets to Miami, and home from Bermuda were included.

    The Nausicaä was set to arrive in Bermuda on January 4th, 2010. That never happened.

    On New Years Eve, a terrible storm hit them at sea, pushing them off-course and sending them deeper into the Bermuda Triangle. All outside communication with the world was lost. Satelite devises, such as tracking, died. Compasses began to spin. Cell phones stopped working. They were lost at sea.

    On January 2nd, the Nausicaä turned what was presumably East, knowing that eventually they'd hit something. This, too, never happened. Though direction was never altered, the sun rose and set in a new position every day.

    Crew started disappearing. The captain kills himself. The Nausicaä is lost in the Bermuda Triangle, its passengers left to fend for themselves.

    Will you survive?

    Oblivion is a brand new, original-character game just opened on January 2nd. We have friendly, experienced mods, and an ever-growing player base happy to plot! Don't miss your chance to be there from the beginning!

    Rules | FAQs | About the Ship | Application | Format | Characters | Wanted

    [info]oblivionrp | [info]oblivionmods | [info]oblivionooc

    Are you afraid [info]ofthedark?

    We hope not because here we allow YOU the writers to come up with your own ghost story. It can be from your characters past or current life as long as it's scary. We do not allow vampires/werewolves or any other supernatural beings in this game. However we do allow for your character to be cursed or experience some kind of haunting or possession. Your character MUST be fifteenth years or older and all adult storylines should be played out maturely. For storylines please visit [info]otdlines. This game will take place in Wilmington, North Carolina.


    An epidemic of organ failures leads millions to their deaths. What follows is nothing less of chaos. With thousands of people dying off daily, graveyards and cemetaries become over populated. Mass burial grounds are placed beneath cities to keep up with the death toll.

    Out of all the tragedy a savior emerges.

    A company fitfully being called GeneCo offers transplants, 'replacements' and genetic alteration without failure. What's even better? GeneCo offers "organ financing". Cheating death, people are finally able to recieve their surgeries without fear of dying...for now. )

    conceptrules & faqtaken & heldwantedapplicationthreads & logs geneco networkoocconact listfriends button

    WANTED: Anything and Everything. This is a panfandom RPG set in REPO!verse. All characters from all sorts of fairy tales, comic books, animes, cartoons, TV shows, movies, etc. you name it, we want it!
    Sons of Cain RPG

    Sons of Cain|OOC|Mod Journal

    Premise | Application
    Character List | Wanted & Held | Location Info|Premise
    A post-apocalyptic world where vampires are the majority, lycans roam freely, and humans are raised as cattle to feed the hungry predators. Las Vegas has changed quite a bit in the year 2033. Ready to enter the new City of Sin? This original RPG is starting up again on IJ and looking for adult players. Come and join the chaos.
    Pentamerone - Fairy tales and folklore RP on Inksome!
    What happens after Happily Ever After?

    Heroes and villains alike seek someplace to exist before they fade from existence. Others search for a way home, not sure if there's a home left to go to. Pentamerone is the last stronghold of human imagination. The hundreds of magical lands and worlds that used to exist in the minds of children are now in a state of decay. Pentamerone is a world of mystery, of new places to be explored, and full of new people to meet. It looks idyllic, peaceful, welcoming. But only one thing's certain:

    Once you cross its borders,
    you can never return home again.

    Game Info // Characters Wanted
    Mod Journal // IC Journal // OOC Journal

    With the HIV pandemic come and gone, the global population faces another risk: global infertility. Irregardless of nationality, ethnicity, lifestyle or life regimen, no children have been born anywhere on the planet in the past fifteen years. Panic abounds. Extremist governments come to power in most countries. The whisper of a cure becomes a chant and soon rumors become reality.
    The United States government announces a treatment that can restore fertility among its people. However, fertility comes at a cost. Legislation has quickly been passed. The treatment will only be administered under certain conditions. An individual must be in good health, between the ages of 16-50, and married. Furthermore, participation for all eligible individuals is not optional. Unmarried individuals of age will be listed in a lottery, and married with the intent to start a family.
    Institutions have been erected. Before all matched couples are sent into their forced cohabitation, they are required to spend time together in government sanctioned counseling centers. Once each month they are required to undergo the fertility treatment, and they are expected to produce a child. Failure for one or both to do so will result in imprisonment until they comply.
    Neo Genesis is an arranged marriage RPG set in a universe parallel to our own. We welcome all characters and storylines within the realm of reason. For more information, please consult the timeline here and the FAQ here.

    credits: profile codes
    It all began with a strange sentient planet that had gotten lonely, and had begun to kidnap people from all times and places to keep itself company. To entertain it's 'guests', it created a world that, every so often, shifted, but always looked like some sort of resort on earth. In a rare moment of weakness, the King of the Goblins and Ruler of the Underground, Jareth, was taken unawares and brought to Mirage. What followed was an inevitable clash of egos as the powerful fae creature fought with the strange sentient planet. The battle was fierce, and the fallout completely unpredictable.

    In the end, a new dimension was created, somewhere between Jareth's old home and the dimension occupied by the sentient planet. In this new land, Jareth appears to reign surpreme. But can anyone truly rule in a world that was created in such a bizarre and tumultuous way? A few people had been brought along with him in the creation of the new realm, but Jareth decided that anything the Planet could do, he could do better. With that in mind, he began to bring in people from all places and times. Very soon, those who had been brought with him would have company...



    About the Game
    Game Rating: NC-17
    Age Limits: 17+
    Slash/Smut Friendly

    It starts with one letter, that appears out of nowhere.

    Don't open it!

    Don't read it!

    The letter is filled with a dark magic, no one know where it came from, but once you read the letter and blink, you are transported to a mystifying island amongst strangers .

    So don't blink!

    If you blinked, check out [info]you_blinked - a multi-fandom rpg game

    Drop Box - Premises - Rules - Application - Location - Wanted/Held Characters - Taken Characters - PB List

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