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Friday, January 30th, 2009

    Time Event
    The spirit of Shakespearean Theatre lives on in Stratford, Ontario in Canada. Established in 1915, was the Stratford Liberal Arts University. The school where your favorite characters from William Shakespeare's plays enroll or teach.

    Tragedy has struck the school this year when the President of the University, Hamilton Prince Sr. died under mysterious circumstances during the summer. To make the it more controversial, the late President was replaced by his brother Claudius Prince, who married widow Gertrude Prince only a couple months after the tragic death. The staff are nervous to see the affect this will have on English Professor, and only son of the former President, Hamilton Prince Jr. So far the school has tried to go back to normal.

    The Winter Semester has just started. The winter productions will be starting rehearsals soon, and all the classes are already going underway. Soon enough, it will be midterms. The Student Union has gone through changes, since Duncan Scott was kicked out of school, leaving Nathaniel Bath to take over as President of the Student Union.

    Student life seems to be getting more hectic and full of stress and the Professor's lives aren't much easier. With all the controversy and strange coincidences, will they be able to make it through the year? Follow your favorite plots, or create some more drama for yourself. For “All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players”!
    Premades Students and Faculty Academic Calendar Campus and Town Extracurricular FAQ Application


    [info]thebeginning_rp [info]thebeginningooc [info]thebeginningowl

    It is the summer of 1971 and all around Britain and new year
    of students are receiving their Hogwarts letters- pureblood, halfbloods and
    muggleborns alike. Follow these students through their summer and the coming
    year at Hogwarts. What will happen to them? Will their choices impact their
    already formed friendships? Will they bend to societies prejudices or tread
    their own path? Only time will tell.

    Tom Riddle, now known as Lord Voldemort to a select few, has
    resurfaced and is gathering followers to fight a war of Blood Purity. Will your
    character join him or fight for the ministry or Dumbledore? Perhaps they will
    stay neutral. Only time will tell.

    The Beginning is a Harry Potter Roleplay set in 1971, the
    Marauders first year at Hogwarts. All characters who are alive in that year are
    available to play even if they are no longer in Hogwarts, plenty of things are
    going on in the rest of the Wizarding World. This is an AU game as you are not
    expected to stick with canon. Severus can become friends with the Marauders,
    Narcissa can like Amelia Bones... anything goes.

    Game Begins January 1st


    Useful Links:

    rules | wanted | apply | cast | main | ooc | contact list&friendsbutton-lcked

    In New York, there lies a small town called Farmingdale, or to most of the younger residents there; F’dale. F’dale is your normal, small, quiet neighborhood. Its high school is known for their amazing lacrosse team, Dalers, but that’s basically it. They do not stand out on the map, and they do not want to. They like being their own, little quiet place. Frankly, they do not like being disturbed. But secretly, they are being watched. By who? Nobody knows. But it doesn’t matter because they have no idea that they are being watched, right?

    Not necessarily.

    In the year 2000, a large blackout was spread across New York, and during that time, people were disappearing from their sleep in Farmingdale. When they came back, they had a mysterious scar somewhere on their body, but they have no memory of being kidnapped. They go on with their lives like nothing happened, because frankly, they didn’t know anything happened, until one day weird things start to happen. They start to develop an ability; a paranormal ability. They have no explanation for it except for that scar. Not like that would help.

    So far, nobody has been killed by their powers. Some people are still being kidnapped, but they return home safely within five days with only a scar and their memories of it erased.

    Farmingdale’s color was previously green representing the Dalers, but with all the kidnappings, it earned the name Black Farmingdale.


    Are you tired of the same old Harry Potter Role Plays? Are Harry and his fellow classmates losing their edge? Not interested in Next Generation? Want something that isn't in the books?
    It has been fourteen years since the menacing influence of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named has been felt, but the memory will never truly fade. Harry Potter and his fellow classmates left Hogwarts victorious, but at a great cost did they do so. Large portions of Hogwarts lay crumbling around them. Friends and families mourned the premature passing of loved ones. The Wizarding world did not escape the clutches of Voldemort unscathed.

    Every child born during the postwar population boom knows the stories of the war. They know the trials faced by the heroic Order of the Phoenix and they're familiar with the brooding faces of the villains, but it isn't the parents who pass on this knowledge, for many of them are unwilling to relive the memories. A few brave souls have shared their own experiences and knowledge while the remainder of the survivors stubbornly cling to the hope that they will forget, no matter how tightly memory holds them.

    As September looms ever closer, a new year at Hogwarts lingers on the horizon, but this isn't just another year. With the final examinations in June, Hogwarts will be releasing it's first graduating class since it reopened in 2003. It is this class that has had the privilege of experiencing a new Hogwarts; one that no longer has a shadow forever hanging above it. This year celebrates seven complete years of laughter, knowledge, and, most importantly, hope. This sense of celebration and excitement hovers over the students as they ready for the school year, and it will surely be packed alongside the cauldrons and rolls of parchment to be brought back to Hogwarts.

    The question that seems to be drawing a lot of attention from the older generation is whether or not the good times really do last? Will the atmosphere at Hogwarts remain unchanged or will History repeat itself, as it so often does?

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