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Sunday, November 30th, 2008

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    Welcome to The Quidditch Village

    In April 2003, the Ministry of Magic decided to hold a Quidditch Tournament with the old four teams when Harry Potter was a member. All four Hogwarts Teams decided to go, although some notable players were missing as they had died in battle, they still went to Hogwarts on April 14th. It was meant to be a fun way to start a new tradition of bring past players to the Hogwarts Pitch.

    As Oliver Wood, Marcus Flint, Roger Davies, and Jacob Summerby walked to the center to shake hands, the teams surrounded them in a circle. That's when it happened. To the 28 players standing on the pitch it felt as though the ground had fallen out from beneath them. It was almost like a dream as they landed just outside a village. They all looked around trying to figure out what had happened. Seconds later an old woman who wouldn't show her face walked up to them, some had their wands drawn, some were just watching, some were getting ready to cry. As the old woman opened her mouth to speak, two figures started to walk towards her...

    "Welcome, it is about time you showed up. We've been waiting for you. Welcome to your new home. You are tasked with completing a tournament and figuring out life here. You all have a room, and a job. Don't worry, time here isn't what you are used to. You will not miss anything from the world you are from.

    There are two additional players here, they will take their rightful spots on Hufflepuff and Gryffindor. The two who have come in their place will act as substitutes for all four teams." The old woman smiled at them, and the two men flanking her showed their faces... Cedric Diggory and Fred Weasley. Each has been here since their respected deaths, growing to the age they would have been in your world."

    Each player was quickly assigned a room, a journal to communicate in that also tells them when practice and matches are, and a day job... There is no trading, it is merely what the lives of these 30 Quidditch players now lead... With the promise as soon as a winner is announced they can go home....

    Let the Games Start...

    Starting when we have at least 15 characters

    [info]neutralground Via [info]liferphoenix I dare you to do something different.


    In 1995 the world is changing, and not everything is the way it has been in the life of Harry Potter or his friends. Fifteen years ago the Potters placed a Fidelius Charm upon their home, making Sirius Black their Secret Keeper. Lord Voldemort never discovered the location of the Potter home. Lily and James Potter are very much alive. Also hidden, the Longbottoms avoided their own ghastly fate. Having no way to move forward, Lord Voldemort vanished slowly into the background. However, no Death Eater would consider it a retreat.

    Harry grew up in a loving home under the protection of the Charm and is far from the poor boy that he once would have been at Privet drive. With his parents around, Neville was not coddled, but loved and became well balanced early on in life. Upon entering Hogwarts, Harry soon learned the world was not exactly as his parents and uncles had made it out to be. Neville was pleased that everything was what he had hoped for.

    In the years since Lord Voldemort’s disappearance the Wizarding World has become a place of tension and strife. Pure-bloods are looked upon with suspicions, Half-bloods are being shunned by both sides for not being on one side or the other, and Muggle-borns are vanishing before they have a chance to even attend Hogwarts. In this world, the Order works to protect the Muggle-borns and get them out of the country for their own safety. The Aurors arrive after the attacks and have the gruesome job of cleaning up. No one is sure who leads these attacks, but everyone suspects the socialite Bellatrix Black Lestrange and the Lord Lucius Malfoy.

    The Ministry of Magic is split in two. When the current Minister, Bartemius Crouch Senior, came into office he led the largest dark wizard hunt of the century. Unfortunately, his wide nets caught up the blundering or the stupid but allowed the slipperiest of the Dark Lord’s followers through, including the Minister’s own son. Barty Crouch Jr, still firmly in under the direction his Lord went on to work for his father at the Ministry. At the beginning of the 1995 school year he was inducted as the current Defense Against the Dark Arts professor. The Ministry is rife with the corruption of the Death Eaters lying in wait for their Lord’s return. Their day is here and now. If the Order cannot handle it, if the Ministry is too subverted to control it, then what are the two Prophesied Children to do? It is up for Harry or Neville to rise to the occasion, for the sake of the Wizarding World.

    Game Details

    :.Available Characters.:.Played Bys.:.Rules.:.FAQs.:.Resources.:.Application.:

    Tweak! is an AU Harry Potter fifth year that focuses on both adult and teenage spheres and scenes. Game play begins on November 20th, with the school year already under way.

    WANTED CHARACTERS: Students! Harry Potter, Neville Longbottom, Vipsania Langtry. Adults! Dolores Umbridge, Lucius Malfoy, Peter Pettigrew, Alice Longbottom, Barty Crouch Sr, The Dark Lord, James Potter. Professors! Vector, McGonagall, Quirrel. And many more!
    BY REQUEST: Andromeda Tonks, Ted Tonks!

    Profile Layout


    Your Song is a present day RPG that takes place at the fictional Presley School for the Performing Arts in Yonkers, New York, just outside of New York City.

    Students must audition for a specialty (dance, music, art, technical theatre, drama) to obtain a coveted spot at this prestigious academy.

    All characters in the game are based on famous songs!

    Characters are in their junior and senior years of high school, and must be pursuing some career in the arts.

    So why don't you tell everybody that this is your song by placing a hold today?

    MANY songs are still available, and almost any song will be allowed as long as you can create a character that is in the essence of the original song.

    Launch Game Information in New Window

    Presley School for the Performing ArtsGame Rules

    [info]your_song ♫♪♫ [info]your_mods ♫♪♫ [info]your_ooc

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