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Thursday, October 16th, 2008

    Time Event

    It was expected to be the largest memorial ever, numbers surpassing those of the first memorial. But, when the night of May 02, 2023 occurred, the celebration was promptly cut short by an unexpected happening. Minister Wipple had just welcomed all those attending and was introducing Harry Potter to the stage when a large bang occurred, followed by a green flash of light. Everyone looked skyward to see a horrifying memory come to life - the Dark Mark. The people's cries rang out through the alley as they scattered in all directions; all the while the snake slithered in and out of the skull in the sky. Very few people stayed around long enough to see the next spell cast - the image of a stag floating over the darkened sky in battle with the Mark.

    At first the Wizarding World attempted to rationalize what took place as a prank, but when weeks passed and no one took the blame and no evidence was found, people began to grow curious. That curiosity was exploited on June 22, when masked figures vandalized Albus Dumbledore's grave at Hogwarts, causing a grass fire that burnt the Dark Mark around the headstone. Rumors and worry began to spread, increasing tenfold on July 31, when a statue of Harry Potter was stolen from Diagon Alley, outside of Gringotts. The Ministry launched a large investigation in a counterattack and in hopes that it would relieve fears. It did not.

    The Daily Prophet, as if working against the Ministry's efforts, printed a highly controversial article suggesting the "pranks" were actually attacks, and possibly being instrumented by old followers of the Dark Lord on August 08, just around the time students were readying themselves for the upcoming school year. September 01 was coming closer and closer and fear was mounting, unable to be quelled. Even the Headmaster couldn't offer words of relief, only a promise that students would be safe.

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    Game Opens October 17th!

    Mirage: A Panfandom RPG


    Far off in another universe a Planet has become a little lonely. To satisfy it's need for company, it has begun taking beings from all times and places and dumping them in the middle of a resort in it's center. These beings will be forced to interact with each other while attempting to adapt to their new environment.


    Mirage . Mirage OOC .Mirage Mods

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    Guidelines . Friend Add . Character List

    Classifieds . Room Assignments . Helpful Links

    Introduction . Contact Info . Resort Info

    More Resort Info . Taken/Held/Banned . Promoting

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    About the Game

    Game Rating: NC-17
    Age Limits: 17+
    Slash/Smut Friendly
    FutureWarts RPG

    "Today the bodies of seven wizards, four witches, and three female muggles were found in late stages of decomposition in Godrick's Hollow.....The Wizards and Witches are known to be such via the broken wands placed within their hands, now clutched desperately by nearly skeletal remains."

    There's a time to remember, a time to forget, and a time to let go.
    ...Is Hogwarts really as safe as everyone hopes? Or is this generation just as doomed as the last?

    Game will open 10|19|08.


    Rules // Application // Taken Characters // Taken PBs

    The year is 2000 and the place is the Wizarding world. The war ended two years ago, but there is still quite a bit of work to be done. Now that people have had time to grieve, the Wizarding world is being rebuilt, hopefully bigger and better than ever. Without Voldemort to wreak havoc in the world, people are expected to come together finally and live harmoniously. The question is, however, will that ever happen?

    Most Wanted: Terry Boot, Mandy Brocklehurst, Roger Davies,Marietta Edgecombe, Lee Jordan, Draco Malfoy, Minerva McGonagall, Harry Potter, Adrian Pucey, Dean Thomas, Bill Weasley, George Weasley, Percy Weasley, Ron Weasley, and many more!

    It was expected to be the largest memorial ever, numbers surpassing those of the first memorial. But, when the night of May 02, 2023 occurred, the celebration was promptly cut short by an unexpected happening. Minister Wipple had just welcomed all those attending and was introducing Harry Potter to the stage when a large bang occurred, followed by a green flash of light. Everyone looked skyward to see a horrifying memory come to life - the Dark Mark. The people's cries rang out through the alley as they scattered in all directions; all the while the snake slithered in and out of the skull in the sky. Very few people stayed around long enough to see the next spell cast - the image of a stag floating over the darkened sky in battle with the Mark.

    At first the Wizarding World attempted to rationalize what took place as a prank, but when weeks passed and no one took the blame and no evidence was found, people began to grow curious. That curiosity was exploited on June 22, when masked figures vandalized Albus Dumbledore's grave at Hogwarts, causing a grass fire that burnt the Dark Mark around the headstone. Rumors and worry began to spread, increasing tenfold on July 31, when a statue of Harry Potter was stolen from Diagon Alley, outside of Gringotts. The Ministry launched a large investigation in a counterattack and in hopes that it would relieve fears. It did not.

    The Daily Prophet, as if working against the Ministry's efforts, printed a highly controversial article suggesting the "pranks" were actually attacks, and possibly being instrumented by old followers of the Dark Lord on August 08, just around the time students were readying themselves for the upcoming school year. September 01 was coming closer and closer and fear was mounting, unable to be quelled. Even the Headmaster couldn't offer words of relief, only a promise that students would be safe.

    Full Premise ¤ Time Line ¤ Pop Culture ¤ Cast ¤ Parents
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    Game Opens October 17th!

    [info]admonitiorpg ¤ [info]admonitioooc ¤ [info]admonitioowls
    [info]admonitiodp ¤ [info]admonitioww

    admonitio mod @ aim

    Crynhoi: An AU Harry Potter Trio Era Game


    An AU Harry Potter Trio Era Game

    Voldemort is dead and Harry Potter is missing, assumed to be the same by most. The brave souls that fought have been mourned and The-Boy-Who-Lived has been celebrated as the hero of heroes. But now what? School's starting up again this September, but things are going to be a little bit different. Hogwarts is in no shape for students, so everyone's being shipped off to another location. A school called Sangster Institute! Headmistress McGonagall has some done away with the House system. The new, smaller castle is crammed with the previous year anxious to take their N.E.W.T.S., angry rumbles from student over dissolved houses and scrambled Quidditch teams and a lurking sense of unease. Ministry ordered Aurors stand at guards at the school, Hooch has been hospitalized and students are seeing things. With an encroaching fog, the students are suffocating locked inside for their own safety but with little horrors happening all around the castle nothing seems that safe as they've been told. But since the enemy is gone, they don't have anything to worry about, or do they?

    WANTED CHARACTERS Desperately Seeking: Quidditch players and Prefects, Students with loses and/or imprisoned family, anyone that still holds a grudge for losing the battle or even against those that lost. Most Wanted: Any of that wacky Weasley Family (For our Gins!), Katie, Oliver, Angelina, and Marcus Flint (Alicia and our other alumni characters would love them around), Hannah, Zach, and JFF (Ernie and the Hufflepuffs need the love), Seamus, Dean, and Parvati (Neville and Hermione have to have more Gryffidors!), Micheal Corner (Terry and Lisa are lonesome!), Draco and Pansy (To mourn Crabbe and do what they will with their peers, Blaise and Millicent)

    Click the wanted link for more!

    This game is a Harry Potter Deathly Hallows game. We are DH compliant to a degree. We are also establishing more, such as the London school and the new location for the Hogwarts replacement school. There will be some inconsistencies which we are adding intentionally. We are friendly to all genders, sexualities, races. Past events, both book!canon and game!canon can be found at the timeline.

    What if you heard the news? Not headlined – not like it should have been – but buried in the paper, or reported on a blog. The news of the discovery of over a hundred people, people just like you, people who had been lied to, tricked, tortured and abused. People who had given their lives over to a 'social experiment' that had gone horribly wrong.

    What if you had been told that those experiments had been ended and the participants were in the process of being rehabilitated? What if you were told that you could help? That you were needed? Whatever your skills sets – barman, workman, doctor, plumber. Normal, ordinary people were needed to help these people rehabilitate into society.

    What if you weren't told about the catch – that the experiments weren't over yet. That by volunteering to help, you'd end up just like those very people you were trying to save?

    Would you go?

    reEcho is a brand new original character game which is opening on Monday!

    Game Information


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