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Monday, September 15th, 2008

    Time Event

    .premise, locations, rules, faq, wanted, application, held/taken, timeline, drop box, cast.

    Every city is filled with people, people that have their differences and have their moments when they come together, when they collide and when they shoulder past each other, completely unaware of the other's story or even their existence. They're just another face in the crowd. Along with some of these people lie secrets. Some are not so important, while others are hard to come to terms with. They're normal people with normal jobs and they walk among everyone else as best they can, trying to remain just another face in the crowd.

    Most of them, anyway. With the crime rates steadily depleating due to the force of the police and other advocators of justice, there are underground groups that have become aware in certain individuals whom have capabilities much higher than the average joe. These criminals now search for those whom have special skills and wish to recruit these new age criminals into their acts of chaos and mayhem, to perhaps regain there once fallen crime ring. They use various recruiting methods to attract these people such as: payback to those that hurt them, to protection, through threats and various murders relating to the individual. There's a specific group of these people that are trying to form an underground crime ring around the city, ranging from the highest classes down to people petty thieves. Some however, are much more unique. They possess talents that are seemingly above and beyond the norm. Now they are looking for individuals who may want to lend their skills toward crime.

    On the other end of the spectrum are lone heroes, people who know what's going on beneath the surface, and they fight it the best they can. But their opposition has strength in numbers, and unfortunately at this time they are too limited and few. They have day jobs just like everyone else (including the people they fight against). Only in the evening do they moonlight as heroes, working out what they can when it comes to crime, but organization is lacking. for more details, please visit our premise.

    Anything and everything. People possessing powers is LIMITED in numbers. However, if we do become a popular game, we shall bump up the quantity! It's obviously a hero complex RPG, thus meaning you don't have to have abilities to fight crime. Think Batman. Villians are virtually the same. TWO abilities allowed for FOUR characters. Still, all are open! So, snatch those up :) CIVILIANS needed! MALES AND FEMALES BOTH NEEDED! Live out childhood fantasies. Be the superhero, or even better... be the villain. Cops and Robbers all over again. :)

    Help us save Nephlem. :)


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    Marriage Decree | Servants | Muggles | Friends Button

    Ball and Chain is an AU Post-Hogwarts Game set in 2004.

    Now Accepting Applications!

    sometimes we get second chances,
    and sometimes we never make it past the first.


    [info]oldpowersrising | [info]apocalypsenight | [info]apocalypseooc
    Rules | Questions? | Timeline | Available/Held/Taken | Application | Players

    The Night World isn't a place. It's all around us. It's a secret society of vampires, werewolves, witches, and other creatures of darkness that live among us. They're beautiful and deadly and irresistible to humans. They’ve been leaving secretly among us for centuries.

    But now a battle is coming...

    The lines are being drawn. The new Night People are more ruthless and bloodthirsty than ever before, and they're getting ready to destroy the human world. But the light has its champions, too. Four have been born, four Wild Powers who can stop the darkness from winning... if they and their soulmates can survive.

    One from the land of kings long forgotten;
    One from the hearth which still holds the spark;
    One from the Day World where two eyes are watching;
    One from the twilight to be one with the dark.

    It’s September, 2000. The search for the last Wild Power continues.


    The Floating Vagabond ([info]the_love_boat) boasts five decks of entertainment! Join us for a cruise and you'll be welcome to enjoy a high class movie theater, amazing restaurants, two large pools, two fantastic libraries (one stocked with the latest, the greatest, and the classic muggle literature, and the other stocked with every wizarding book you can imagine), and state of the art sound systems in our several large community lounges. This fantastic blend of Wizarding and muggle cultures will keep you spellbound as you enjoy the freedoms that come with the starlight deck, having a drink at the Olde English Pub, taking a spin in our beautiful Ballroom or just lounging around in your room enjoying the luxury. All of our five star rooms come complete with a mini-fridge and microwave, full cable and free movies. Don't worry about your things; your trunk will show up in your room. Once you're on our ship, you'll never want to leave. Which is good, because you'll never be able to.

    The Love Boat is a Harry Potter AU game where you can have any character at any age from any era you can imagine. The characters show up randomly on the ship, then interact with each other. Ever wondered what a conversation between Harry Potter and Godric Gryffindor would be like? Or how Luna Lovegood and Merlin would interact? Well, come on over and find out! We have a strong player base and have been around since October of 2007.

    People "pop" in and out of the ship all the time. In joining [info]the_love_boat you're not trying to "break into an established community". You're bringing a character fresh in from his or her own time line, and it's completely natural for him or her not to know what's been happening on the ship. Long story short, don't worry about "doing homework" and reading up on the community. The other characters will be glad to catch you and your character up!

    | Plot | Ship Layout | Rules | Most Wanted Characters | Character List | NPC list | Application | Friends Button | Player Contact Info |

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