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Thursday, August 28th, 2008

    Time Event

    - characters - casted - application -

    In 1975, as Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs (better known as the Marauders, at least to themselves) enter their 5th year at Hogwarts, the wizarding world as they know it is slowly changing.

    Like the first touch of cool rain, dark whisperings are beginning to be heard among wizards, particularly those of the oldest pureblooded families. Something is coming - and as it arrives, the whispers will rise to voices, and eventually all wizards of the world will hear the echoes of screams.

    Dark Voices follows the students of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry as they learn to adapt to a changing world. Making friends, forming alliances, standing for what they believe in, and all hoping that they will be left standing in the end.

    A new game with over 30 characters, Dark Voices is looking for some more Order members to balance out the Death Eaters, and more female Hogwarts students, as there are a lot more boys right now! Hogwarts professors are also welcome.

    Some character that we'd appreciate are: Hestia Jones, Dorcas Meadows, Emmeline Vance, Benjy Fenwick, Andromeda Black, Ted Tonks, Theodore Nott...... Not to mention anyone else you can think of!

    Dark voices DOES accept original characters!


    [info]darkvoices - [info]voicemods - [info]voicesooc - [info]voicenotes


    Rules // Application // Taken Characters // Taken PBs

    The year is 2000 and the place is the wizarding world. The war ended two years ago, but there is still quite a bit of work to be done. Now that people have had time to grieve, the wizarding world is being rebuilt, hopefully bigger and better than ever. Without Voldemort to wreak havoc in the world, people are expected to come together finally and live harmoniously. The question is, however, will that ever happen?

    Games Opens September 1!

    Rising Darkness
    A Marauders Harry Potter RPG

    Going back in time, we visit the Marauders and their classmates at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. What were they like during their 7th Year? Find out.

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