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Saturday, May 10th, 2008

    Time Event


    game → [info]eclisse • ooc → [info]notte • mods → [info]cantante

    It's been several weeks since Victoria and her newborn vampire army were defeated. The Volturi never returned to Forks, but it's only a matter of time before they investigate to see whether the Cullens had kept their word in turning that captivating human girl among them. The next huge event in Forks is a wedding unlike any that have been seen before. Isabella Swan and her boyfriend, Edward Cullen, have planned to marry August 13, a mere month before Bella's nineteenth birthday.

    The Cullen-Swan union heralds the celebration of a lifetime and the end of an era of labored peace. With this wedding (and, consequently, the day Bella will turn into a vampire), the Cullens will have officially broken the treaty of peace with the Quileute Tribe. Being forced from their newfound home, where will the Cullens go? They could move to Alaska, where the Cullens would fit in with the Denali clan; they, too, could move to Hoquiam, where the Cullens had lived during the 1930s. Or perhaps Edward will win his never-ending battle with Bella, convincing her to attend Dartmouth in the fall, thus forcing them to move to Massachusetts. So many choices hinge on one decision: what will happen? Play, and find out.
    MAGIC HOUSE -- can't take the monster out of the house

    Magic House:
    plot - rules - faq - apply - cast - houses - taken & held
    ooc - ic - sl - layout

    For as long as the residents of Clifton Avenue can remember (which isn't as long as you might think), the houses in their neighborhood have been...different. A leaky roof to the rest of the world is a potentially expensive-to-fix problem, but a leaky roof to the residents of Clifton Avenue is so much more than a problem easily fixed by a phone call and a bounceable check; a leaky roof means the house they're living in is irritated, playing a joke (one with a bad punchline--thanks, Hedge Row), or is constantly doing things to piss its 'owners' off. A leaky roof is more than just a problem to the people living on Clifton Avenue because the houses are alive.

    Yeah, you read right. The houses are alive.

    Of course, the aches and pains of living in what-should-be-but-isn't an inanimate object aren't all that come from living there. The tenants, for as long as they stay in the house, have magic. What that magic is depends solely on the individual, but there's another catch to this already catch-y deal. Because when you're living on Clifton Avenue, you don't choose the house.

    The house chooses you.

    you can't take the monster out of the house.

    Blood brothers Midnight Order

    Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

    Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

    The date is 1671. 17th Century. Europe. Disguise and living in the shadows is not a choice for some people: it is a way of living.

    What, you may ask, is in store for the inhabitants of Midnight Manor?

    The past and present.

    Orphans. Runaways. Street kids. Vagrants. They all share the same thing in common: their distaste for human life. They themselves may have suffered an unhappy childhood, or an unfortunate event in their own life. Their future looked bleak. Few friends or none at all, a family that wished they never existed. What's in store for these wayfarers?

    One man made a decision to create a haven for these homeless vagabonds where there would be no further prosecution, hardships, and poverty. Midnight Manor

    An isolated home and headquarters for a very special breed of people. Vampires.

    Where will you stand? On the edge of everyday misery in the streets; or will you join the Blood Brothers Midnight Order?

    Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

    001.] The age requirement for this RPG is seventeen [17] years of age and above. Adult scenes will occur, so no exceptions.

    002.] All characters are ORIGINAL. This is a non-fandom vampire game. We refer to the traditional Victorian romance archetype for vampires.

    003.] The character limit per role-player is two [2] to prevent inactivity among members and people taking on more than they can handle, RP load or muse-wise. The activity limit is once a week at the very minimum.

    004.] No godmoding, twinking, OOC drama, clique-ing, harassing others or playing unfairly. Please ask the mods for assistance if someone is acting unfairly or causing drama. You will get three [3] warnings before we will take appropriate action.

    005.] You are required to have proper spelling and grammar. Double check your posts! Use a spellchecker! Do n0t 7tp3 lyke dis @ll.

    006.] This is strictly a yaoi RPG. The majority of the cast will be vampires, but we also encourage humans who can be victims or Order members. No female characters.

    007.] PBs [played bys] can be reserved/held over in the PB post. Refer to there for full details.

    008.] Applications are to be submitted in full. No 'WIP' submissions, please.

    009.] Plot is good. Fluff is not. Relationships and interaction are a must; but please ask your partner for permission first concerning major developments and/or scenes. Rate your post appropriately; keep NSFW scenes friends-locked.

    010.] Any problems; contact the mods! We don't bite :)</center>

    Threads should be posted in this format: please tag all entries with appropriate tags such as 'newcomer, second meeting, trespassing').

    Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting


    Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

    Blood Brothers Midnight Order is an original RPG © to [info]bbmo_mods.

    We do not claim to be or have any association with the featured PBs.

    Graphics are © to [info]bbmo_mods; the profile code thanks to ReverseCollides.

    [info]writers_promo - open, self-moderated, optional tagging. Promote your personal writing journal, comm, or archive here. On or off-site. Help readers find your fiction. All fandoms and originals.

    [info]hp_polls Link to the poll in your journal. Post a poll request. All Harry Potter polls; all general reading, writing, betaing polls.

    [info]originals A new comm for readers and writers of original fics. F-locked, secure, unmoderated. All ratings. (Join and fill in an easy C&P reading application to be accepted as a reader)

    All posting authors can post their stories or links to them in other journals.
    Recs and News can be posted by all authors also.

    [info]fandom_how_to Useful info for writers and regular users. Includes info on some basic HTML, RSS feeds, copyright and more.

    [info]fandom_tag_sale is a new fast growing comm. All fandoms. Open, unmoderated. Friend us, sit back and wait what treasures people will put out :)
    Up to your eyeballs in fandom paraphernalia? Don't throw that staff away! Post at fandom_tag_sale, someone wants your staff.

    [info]procrastination You've never procrastinated writing your fic? Can't join then :) A laid-back comm.


    Notardus is an AU seventh year game, loosely based around the events that took place in book seven. Everyone is welcome to join, but must be open to dark plotting and dangerous events. The game will be begin September first, in game, and will played throughout the year. The focus of the game is not on the trio itself, which are nonplayable characters, but the lives of everyone else. Students will find themselves in a setting that will be frightening, emotionally painful, and hazardous to their health at times as the Death Eaters slowly take over the school. Adult characters will be suffering similar fates as laws become more restricting. The balance of order is shifting, will your character be able to survive the change?


    WANTED: Seamus Finnigan, Neville Longbottom, Dean Thomas, Lavender Brown, Parvati & Padma Patil, Ginny Weasley, Justin Finch-Fletchley, Wayne Hopkins, Ernie MacMillan, Hannah Abbott, Susan Bones, Su Li, Lisa Turpin, Luna Lovegood, Stephen Cornfoot, Kevin Entwhistle, Pansy Parkinson, Crabbe and Goyle, Theodore Nott, Blaise Zabini, Sixth years of all houses!

    About / Rules / Cast List / Wanted & Held / Resources / Apply

    What happens to the old gods, once their temples have crumbled and their believers have abandoned them? Do they die, forsaken, alone? Or do they remain, still wandering the world, immortal, surviving off what little belief they can gather?

    Forgotten Gods follows the lives of these old deities, brought to America long ago by explorers or immigrants from their homelands and eventually abandoned or lost from memory. As their worshippers moved on to new religions, the gods' powers waned - for a god, at its most pure essence, is no more than an idea, and an idea is worthless if there is nobody to believe in it. Some have passed, forgotten, from the world, while others have fallen into madness. Some have simply tried to adapt, to make a life for themselves in this place without gods, getting by on what little scraps of worship and belief they can garner. Others are more radical, attempting to regain the power that was once theirs, to revive their followings.

    And then there are the New Gods. Gods of cars and computers, television and radio, cities and highways, all those things that modern Americans put their faith in. They are young, at the height of their power. These newcomers are regarded dismissively by some of the older gods, who have seen so many new deities rise and fall in their time; jealously by others, who wish to reclaim the power for their own; and by all with a deep wariness.

    Inspired by the world of Neil Gaiman's American Gods, this game invites players to step into the roles of deities, old and new, to create their own modern mythology.

    Opening May 16.


    The Cure didn't work. So the government decided to step in and put it up a notch. The Mutant Registration Act was finally passed. All mutants are required to carry IDs stating their mutation or they would be arrested for breaking the law. Separate prisons were built for mutant criminals. Not long after, the purpose of the MRA was revealed when Sentinels were released, first to hunt down any mutant with a significant criminal history, then any mutant who registered regardless.

    Xavier’s school was forced to relocate to Toronto, Canada after hostilities from the U.S. government lead to the imprisonment and near execution of Charles Xavier, who was rescued at the last minute by the X-Men. The Brotherhood of Mutants have been scouring across the U.S., attacking mutant prisons and releasing those captive within, urging them to flee for the border, or for the newly developing mutant city in Colorado.

    Xtended: An X-Men RPG is a movieverse game that pick up where X-Men: The Last Stand, left off. The wheels of change are once again in motion, and there have been rumblings of discontent that keep pointing to one place, across the sea. From a small island off the coast of Africa. A place called Genosha…

    Premise // Taken & Held Characters // Wanted Characters // Rules // Application


    sean CASSIDY. victor CREED. marie D'ANCANTO. raven DARKHOLME. fred DUKES. angelo ESPINOSA. felicia HARDY. remy LEBEAU. LOGAN. pietro MAXIMOFF. dani MOONSTAR. ororo MUNROE. dominic PETROS. illyana RASPUTIN. piotr RASPUTIN. tommy SHEPHERD. jono STARSMORE. scott SUMMERS. mortimer TOYNBEE. warren WORTHINGTON.
    after midnight rpg.

    RulesExtended PlotCharacter ListingApplicationPlayed By'sMod Journal


    The Muggles have always been a what if subject. What if they discover us? What if they manage to cross into our world and what if we are forced to go to war with them? Most ignore this what if, but Purebloods have always been weary of losing the only world they have ever known to them.

    In August of 2003.. it happened.

    Are you willing to risk your life to ensure that there is a future?
    Will you cower in fear or refuse to align with past enemies?
    Or will you take a stand for your lifestyle and World?

    the choice is yours. . .


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