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Saturday, April 5th, 2008

    Time Event
    Haunted Roads

    "Some places just seem to be that way. You know, mystical hot-spots… The Devils Triangle; Sedona, Arizona; New Orleans; Stonehenge; places where strange things just seem to happen. I never used to think much about any of that, I thought it all was all bunk, the work of fiction or an over active imagination (Maybe too much pizza before bedtime.). I never believed any of it before I moved to Seattle. Never thought any of it could be true until I bought a renovated condo in the Old Town Towers. But not even the things I saw there could prepare me for what happened underground. Now, I know things like ghosts and werewolves and such can’t exist. But what about that housekeeping woman that walks through walls, and one time walked right through me? Or that creepy pale guy in D5 who always smells like blood (or the woman beside him that always smells like garlic)? Strange howling sounds, terrified screams, disappearing pets..."

    Premise and New Players Guide - Rules - FAQ's - Helpful Links - Mod Contacts
    City Information and History - Old Town Towers - Races and Guidelines
    Character List - Wanted Characters - Application

    Haunted Roads - Haunted Forum - Haunted OOC - Haunted Plot - Haunted Keepers

    Game Opens April 15th

    Summary | Rules | Characters | Played-By | Application | Timeline

    Despite the long awaited defeat of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, the structure of the Wizarding world was still crumbling beneath the pressure. Death Eaters scattered, loyalties questioned, and the grief that ran rampant through the heart of many, prevented the immediate change in Wizarding society. After years of danger the citizens of Wizarding Britain remained cautious and intimidated.

    Was He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named truly gone? Would he be able to rise again? Was the Wizarding World beyond repair? Could they dare to hope for the peaceful future that was long overdue?

    With Kingsley Shaklebolt as Minister of Magic and Harry Potter taking a spot among the Aurors, Witches and Wizards everywhere began to emerge from behind locked and warded doors: to slowly return the full lives that had become distant memories of the past. The economy flourished, population increased, and most importantly a peaceful atmosphere was finally established.

    It has been almost seven years since the passing of Tom Riddle. The Wizarding world has prospered, building upon the ruins of the old, but just as the past has been littered with war and heartache, so shall the future. As the year 2005 dawned on the Wizarding world, a new threat darkened the doorstep of the Wizarding world. It isn't Muggleborns or Half-bloods being targeted. Not this time. This time Purebloods are falling beneath the onslaught of discrimination. Threatening letters and words written in blood have appeared at several Pureblood homes and popular Wizarding establishments, all signed with the same cryptic signature.
    The Society for the Destruction of Pureblood Supremacy is an organization of individuals who remember what it was like to be prosecuted for being born with Muggle blood flowing through their veins. These individuals find the new measures taken by the Ministry of Magic to be far more lenient than what they should be.

    Many died during the last war because their blood was not pure, and it is believed by SDPS that the only successful measure to prevent it from happening again is to remove the threat from the equation: the complete destruction of the Pureblood families.

    The Ministry of Magic has taken precautions and the Department of Magical Law Enforcement investigation in under full swing. Unfortunately, little is known about this organization. Their attacks are done by Muggle means, which leaves to room to trace a source of Magic. Letters continue to arrive and blood continues to be shed. The only way to stop the cycle is to find the source, but how long will it take to discover? Will it be too late?

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