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Friday, March 21st, 2008

    Time Event

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    Post-Galaxia|Reincarnation Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon RPG

    Ever at the Ready

    - Mod Journal - RP Comm - OOC Comm - Graphics -
    - Plot - Rules - Character List - Played-Bys - Team Info - Apply -
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    So we all know that Captain Jack Harkness runs Torchwood Three, that Torchwood One was destroyed in the Battle of Canary Wharf, that Torchwood Two is headed by "a very strange man" and that Torchwood Four is currently misplaced. Well that's all fine and dandy, but things are about to start changing. Torchwood One is reopening just outside of London and is now known as Torchwood 1.1 and Torchwood Two's leader has been replaced. Torchwood Three of course isn't any different, with the exception that Jack has been missing for a bit. The big thing is that Torchwood Four is back on the map, headed by the same person it had been before it was 'misplaced'.

    It seems Torchwood Four, headed by one Major Charlie Sheppard, had a minor malfunction involving Cardiff's rift. In fact, Torchwood Four is located right near Torchwood Three, or at least it was until it and its team got pulled into another universe. Which is where Lucian Devereaux comes in. It seems that he got a hold of a Time Agent's vortex manipulator in the far future and has been using it at his own pleasure. Well, until it backfired and he was sent to the present and made the rift flux, sucking Torchwood Four into it. Luckily, Major Sheppard wasn't there at the time.

    Now as for Lucian, he'd been jumping through time randomly and unwillingly as he tried to fix the vortex manipulator. During this time he realized that he'd jump from the present in Cardiff to some different point in time and then back. Along the way, he managed to bring back people with him who shouldn't be during that time, and that caused the rift to go haywire, also bringing people to the present that shouldn't be there: those that are dead, those who aren't born yet, and those in other dimensions. And so, Torchwood realized they needed to work extra hard to try and stop this and thus re-established Torchwood Four, somehow convincing Charlie to head it once more. And that is where we begin...

    Ever at the ready is a Torchwood/Doctor Who RP that allows for any character from either series (old and new) to be incorporated, as well as original characters! It takes place around the start of season two. We've only just started and we're looking for a majority of the canon cast still, including The Doctor (any of them) and most of Torchwood Three. We're also looking for bad guys and aliens to be hunted down, as well as people to fill up the other Torchwood Teams. If you think you're ready, then we're ready to have you join the team!

    We're Currently Looking for: GWEN, TOSHIKO, RHYS, other Canon characters from Torchwood, Doctor Who or Sarah Jane Adventures, people for the Torchwood Teams, Civilians, Aliens, Bad Guys, and more!

    The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches ... born to those who have twice defied him ... born in midwinter ... and the Dark Lord will mark him, but he will have power the Dark Lord knows not...

    Operation Redo
    Characters | How To Join | Contact the Mods | The Story So Far
    We have moved to InsaneJournal!
    Current Player Count: 16 // Current Character Count: 31

    Come play with us!

    Operation Redo is an AU Harry Potter game that combines the Trio and Marauders eras by sending twelve students from the books into the past. We've been around since 2004, but now that there won't be any more new canon to throw us for a loop, we've decided to start over with a clean slate. Therefore, we have many characters up for adoption (see below). The game is het/slash/femslash/adult content friendly, though we concentrate on plot rather than 'ships.

    ( Detailed Premise )

    Needed Characters:

    Frank & Alice Longbottom! )

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