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Saturday, March 15th, 2008

    Time Event
    [info]originals A new comm for readers and writers of originals. F-locked, secure, unmoderated. All ratings. (Join and fill in an easy C&P reading application to be accepted as a reader)

    All posting authors can post their stories or links to them in other journals.
    Recs and News can be posted by all authors also.

    [info]fandom_tag_sale Just what it said. Join this comm, sit back and wait. Any fandom. You never know when the good staff will show up and what it will be.

    Have at least one item which needs to go? Post here or link to your journal post :)

    [info]fandom_how_to Useful info for writers and regular users. Includes info on some basic HTML, RSS feeds, copyright and more.

    [info]hp_polls Want to post polls or enjoy voting? All polls (and links to polls in all LJ clones) are accepted here. Polls must be reading, writing, betaing related or Harry Potter related.

    [info]procrastination Report what you are procrastinating on right now :) Laid-back comm with no rules.
    Halcyon Halls: An original supernatural PB school RPG
    What if they were real?
    The myths and legends.
    The things that go bump in the night.
    What if they were just like you?
    Since the dawn of time they've been blamed for all of life's oddities. A strange noise? It must be a ghost. Pets mangled and eaten? Maybe a werewolf got them. That pale man that never ventures out in the day? A vampire, surely. Children behaving badly must be changelings, and that table had to have been forced into your path by a mischievous sprite, now giggling at your misfortune.

    The list goes on. For each being, there are hundreds of tales, most pure delusion of course, though much of it based in fact.

    From Nessie and Sasquatch to the Bermuda Triangle and the Land of Mu, our world is filled with the unattainable, the unexplainable... that which we call Myth, or Legend.

    Yet, like the Will O' the Wisp, or the ghost breath that sends a shiver down your spine, the truth tugs softly at our conscience. Whispers in the dark of a boogeyman in the shadows, or a fairy spinning gossamer tales in the corners of your mind. They are real. And in so many ways... they are just like you. They work. They feed. They even have children. And just like humans, those children go to school.

    School however, isn’t always as just classes and homework. Strange old castles often have far more lurking about them than is so readily apparent. Ancient curses have been set loose on the school. Memory loss. Sickness. Power switching... Was it an accident? Or are more sinister plans afoot? Unanswered questions abound as the students and staff first try and understand exactly what has happened to them...

    Welcome to Halcyon Halls.
    We're changing the future one myth at a time.
    | Rules | FAQ's | Helpful Links | Races/Guidelines | School Information | Class Schedule | Character List | Wanted Characters | OOC | Halcyon Halls | Houses | Mod Journal | Joining |


    [info]idolexposed -- Do you play an AMERICAN IDOL contestant or judge, or want to, and are looking for a fun & friendly place to play? THIS IS THE PLACE FOR YOU!

    Looking specifically for, but not limited to:

    • Kelly Clarkson
    • Justin Guarini
    • Clay Aiken
    • Kimberley Locke
    • Jennifer Hudson
    • Bo Bice
    • Anthony Fedorov
    • Jessica Sierra
    • Mario Vazquez
    • Amanda Avila
    • Taylor Hicks
    • Ace Young
    • Bucky Covington
    • Melinda Doolittle
    • Chris Sligh
    • Carly Smithson
    • Chikezie Eze
    • Amanda Overmyer
    • Ramiele Malubay
    • Syesha Mercado
    • David Hernandez
    • Danny Noriega
    • Alaina Whitaker
    • Alexandréa Lushington
    • Colton Berry
    • Randy Jackson
    • Paula Abdul
    • Ryan Seacrest
    Tons more of your favorite Idols available too!

    No writing samples to provide. Four week update limit. Adds done daily. Now open to the Top 24 contestants of any American Idol season! PICK YOUR FAVORITE IDOL CONTESTANT TO PLAY TODAY, AND JOIN THE FUN!

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