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Friday, February 8th, 2008

    Time Event

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    Did you really think that Voldemort; the man who feared death, wouldn't find a way to come back? C'mon.

    In 1996, the Dark Lord went back to the Gaunt dilapidated shack and found something he didn't expect: a hidden room. This room only appeared to the eyes of the pureblooded Gaunts, who bared the name. It was very old magic, but now with his new body he could now see the room that had been a secret from him even within his youth. The room itself was a bedroom with lavish decorations, trinkets and a bunch of items that belonged to the Gaunts and Slytherin himself. It seemed to be interchangeable and could be any size, having every great answer that involved the Slytherin ancestry and the one thing he was looking to create: a way to be reborn. His vain search ended with something simple-- the Mirror of Erised, the mirror created by another who "mastered" death. Erised is the name of a woman who had found the solution to the veil but was unable to go that far with her experimenting.

    We all know that Voldemort is not about experimenting, he stole the mirror after tracking it down from Russia and placed it in front of the veil. To his amazement it worked, Sirius Black had nearly came through the veil, but Voldemort turned it away before he could walk through. Lord Voldemort spent a great deal of time preparing a complicated, time-set spell that would release in a time where Harry Potter nor his friends existed. When the preparations were finished, he needed to give the task of activating it to one of his followers. He handed it to Bellatrix LeStrange, but she perished and Rodolphus handed it off the the Malfoys. Lucius, for one, never wanted to bring him back and thus didn't do as instructed and neither did Draco. It wasn't until generations later where Cerbirus Malfoy, a far, far, far grandson to Draco that it was acted upon. Lord Voldemort would not be happy upon returning.

    The year 3000, no Harry Potter and no Order members. Then again, there was hardly a Ministry and matter of fact...Hogwarts was closed and the Wizarding World wasn't the secret it used to be. That was going to change.

    Voldemort had a back up plan

    House of Gaunt is a game that combines muggles, wizardry and a small war. Although, it's suppose to be more player-driven than super war-time driven.



    Located just four miles out of Napa, California, The Sutton Academy has become the place for the rich (and sometimes famous) to send their children. Boys and girls come from all over the country (and in a few cases, the world), to receive a first rate education. At least, that's what the brochures say. The truth is, The Sutton Academy has become more of a 24-7 babysitter for rich kids rather than a school. The price tag is high, but it's a rarity that kids fail out, or get kicked out of Sutton, something their parents know when they sign their checks each year.

    Taken/Held | More Info

    [info]thedean is officially under new management. All PBs that are not taken or held are wanted. Adds are at least three times a week. See [info]suttonsls for information on other characters and wanted storylines. Also see below for specific storylines that are wanted, plus I am sure there are many other storylines that are needed to be filled.

    most wanted storylines )
    Supernatural RPG

    . S U P E R N A T U R A L .

    ``Dad wants us to pick up where he left off. You know, saving people... hunting things - the family business.`` - Dean Winchester

    T H E         S T O R Y
    Twenty-two years ago, Sam Winchester and Dean Winchester lost their mother to a mysterious and demonic supernatural force. Subsequently, their father John raised them to be soldiers. He taught them about the paranormal evil that lives in the dark corners and on the back roads of America... and he taught them how to kill it.

    Sam, however, wanted nothing to do with this violent and dangerous life, and he left it behind until the day Dean appeared on his doorstep with troubling news. Their father had gone missing on a ``hunting trip.``

    Sam and Dean have spent the last year cruising the highways of the United States in their 1967 Chevy Impala, searching for their lost father. Along the way, they battled various supernatural threats, and each other as well, for their sibling rivalries and conflicts were never far from the surface. Finally, they found their father, just as he was closing in on the demon who claimed their mother. After a climactic confrontation, the demon escaped, leaving the three Winchester men in dire shape.

    So the Winchesters' mission continues. They travel the country, encountering creatures that most people believe exists only in folklore, superstition and nightmares -- vampires, spirits, revenants, reapers, even bloody clowns.

    Wherever they go, the brothers continue their search for the demon that destroyed their family. During their last confrontation, the demon said he had plans for ``Sam and all the children like him.``

    With Sam having died in a twisted game to find ``the one`` to lead an army from Hell, and Dean sacrificing his life with only a year to live. Now Sam must also decipher what this means and uncover the dark secrets buried within his own past and within his family's history, and to save his brother before his soul is doomed to rest in Hell alongside their father.


    With the Devil's Gate having been opened: what will happen throughout their journey?

    This is where fans unite to tell that tale of the Winchester Brothers that were never shared with the world.

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  • 8:49a
    Haunted Roads

    "Some places just seem to be that way. You know, mystical hot-spots… The Devils Triangle; Sedona, Arizona; New Orleans; Stonehenge; places where strange things just seem to happen. I never used to think much about any of that, I thought it all was all bunk, the work of fiction or an over active imagination (Maybe too much pizza before bedtime.). I never believed any of it before I moved to Seattle. Never thought any of it could be true until I bought a renovated condo in the Old Town Towers. But not even the things I saw there could prepare me for what happened underground. Now, I know things like ghosts and werewolves and such can’t exist. But what about that housekeeping woman that walks through walls, and one time walked right through me? Or that creepy pale guy in D5 who always smells like blood (or the woman beside him that always smells like garlic)? Strange howling sounds, terrified screams, disappearing pets..."

    Premise and New Players Guide - Rules - FAQ's - Helpful Links - Mod Contacts
    City Information and History - Old Town Towers - Races and Guidelines
    Character List - Wanted Characters - Application

    Haunted Roads - Haunted Forum - Haunted OOC - Haunted Plot - Haunted Keepers


    Island Amenities Taken/ Wanted Holds
    Welcome to Paradise- Your Shift Starts Now
    Upcoming Plot: (Valentine's Day) A staff Underwear Party and Employee Auction!

    • Friendly, welcoming, active players
    • Almost 1 month old and still active and growing
    • Plenty of PBs still available
    • AIM not required
    • Adds done daily
    • No one liner responses!
    • Creative energetic group!
    • Join Today!
    Ever At The Ready

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    - Plot - Rules - Character List - Played-Bys - Team Info - Apply -
    - Contacts (F-Lock) - Advertise (F-Lock) -

    It seems Torchwood Four, headed by one Major Charlie Sheppard, had a minor malfunction involving Cardiff's rift. In fact, Torchwood Four is located right near Torchwood Three, or at least it was until it and its team got pulled into another universe. Which is where Lucian Devereaux comes in. It seems that he got a hold of a Time Agent's vortex manipulator in the far future and has been using it at his own pleasure. Well, until it backfired and he was sent to the present and made the rift flux, sucking Torchwood Four into it. Luckily, Major Sheppard wasn't there at the time.

    Now as for Lucian, he'd been jumping through time randomly and unwillingly as he tried to fix the vortex manipulator. During this time he realized that he'd jump from the present in Cardiff to some different point in time and then back. Along the way, he managed to bring back people with him who shouldn't be during that time, and that caused the rift to go haywire, also bringing people to the present that shouldn't be there: those that are dead, those who aren't born yet, and those in other dimensions. And so, Torchwood realized they needed to work extra hard to try and stop this and thus re-established Torchwood Four, somehow convincing Charlie to head it once more. And that is where we begin...

    Ever at the ready is a Torchwood/Doctor Who RP that allows for any character from either series (old and new) to be incorporated, as well as original characters! It takes place around the start of season two. We've only just started and we're looking for a majority of the canon cast still, including The Doctor (any of them) and most of Torchwood Three. We're also looking for bad guys and aliens to be hunted down, as well as people to fill up the other Torchwood Teams. If you think you're ready, then we're ready to have you join the team!

    We're Currently Looking for: OWEN, TOSHIKO, people for the Torchwood Teams, Civilians, Aliens, Bad Guys, other Canon characters and more!

    RulesExtended PlotCharacter ListingApplicationPlayed By'sNewbie GuideMod Journal


    <td>The Muggles have always been a what if subject. What if they discover us? What if they manage to cross into our world and what if we are forced to go to war with them? Most ignore this what if, but Purebloods have always been weary of losing the only world they have ever known to them.
    In August of 2003.. it happened.

    Are you willing to risk your life to ensure that there is a future? Will you cower in fear or refuse to align with past enemies? Or will you take a stand for your lifestyle and World?

    the choice is yours. . .CHOOSE WISELY

    ESPECIALLY LOOKING FOR: → Angelina JOHNSON, Arthur WEASLEY, the CARROWS, Cho CHANG, Dean THOMAS, Dolores Jane UMBRIDGE, Ernie MACMILLIAN, Gregory GOYLE, Katie BELL, Molly WEASLEY, Padma PATIL, Paravati PATIL, Percy WEASLEY, Rita SKEETER, Stephen CORNFOOT, Su LI, Wayne HOPKINS, Zacharias SMITH... AND MORE </td>


    Premise » Rules/Guidlines » F.A.Q. » Application
    Character/Position Guide » Cast/Taken » Helpful Resources

    When we watch Ghost Hunters on the television, we only get to see just a few of the people doing the casework. But what about all of the people behind the scenes? There are dozens of more members working for The Atlantic Paranormal Society (T.A.P.S.) aside from Jason Hawes and Grant Wilson, and they're just as dedicated to their purpose as the founders are.

    The purpose of T.A.P.S. is to locate paranormal activity through a series of scientific tests, though our primary goal is to prove that a location isn't haunted. If you go out to prove that there are no disturbances present, you are more likely to find valid information rather than natural creaks in the building.

    The crew has just returned from their two-day excursion to Waverly Hills Sanatorium where patients of the Tuberculosis epidemic resided, and then died within. But now they're about to set out on their biggest case ever. The plan is to spend a week at Winchester Mystery House located in San Jose, California. But what will happen when things start to happen that none of them had bet would ever happen? What if their lives were threatened so greatly that they had to cut their investigation short?

    And what would happen if the House wouldn't let them escape?

    Winchester Mystery House was home to the Winchester family. It is rumoured that a curse had been placed upon Sarah Winchester's family, causing her husband and child to die, and she would be next unless the mansion continued to be built. There are trap-doors and mysterious rooms located everywhere, and it is pertinent to be careful when accessing these rooms - you could fall out of the building. There are one-hundred and sixty rooms, including sixty bedrooms and two large ballrooms. Candle holders were altered to hold thirteen, as are coat hooks, and the trees that line the premises. From the outside, it looks like any magnificent building would, but the inside is a completely different story.

    How will your team fare?

    1815. The Lightwood family. Five sisters, along with their little brother, reside in the English Countryside town of Castledon, just outside of the capital London, along with their mother and father. It is the most traditional period of British history and the Lightwoods are living through it - the marriages, the balls, the matchmaking and most of all - the secrets. It is a rich age for wellbeing.

    Unless you are the Lightwoods.

    Recently resurrected Jane-Austen influenced game, just moved from Greatestjournal. We’re hoping for a fresh start with a game which has the potential to be something rather special. We’re currently looking for new players and new characters to add to the mix - have a look around and see what you think!!!

    The game is set to re-open once seven or more characters are filled. Thanks!

    King's Ransom RPG


    "Come, take a trip in my airship,
    Come sail away to the stars,
    We'll travel to Venus,
    We'll sail away to Mars..."

    It's Modern day and mutants aren't liked. They group themselves together for protection and for other less agreeable reasons. One such group has taken refuge on an airship. There, they can be themselves. They are soldiers of fortune, taking what they want and then escaping into the air. Of course, there are other means of wealth that are more honorable. They harvest lightning, and sell it to the humans on earth who have lost the capacity to do it for themselves. Will you join the crew of the King's Ransom, and seek your fortune? Or will you hunt the dreadful mutants and join the Human International Law Enforcement? The choice is yours.

    King's Ransom Mods
    [info]glacier Mark
    [info]_umbra Jase
    [info]light_chaser Ally
    Email- kingsransomrpg[at]aol[dot]com
    (Email Questions, Comments and Applications to the above address or PM a Mod)

    King's Ransom OOC
    Rules|FAQ|Storyline Info
    Guidelines|Character List|Holds
    Want Ads|Application
    Friend Add- Locked|Member List- Locked

    About the Game

    Game Rating: NC-17
    Age Limits: 17+
    Mutant Based (non-XMen)
    [info]wannabeheros via [info]superhuman

    [info]wannabeheros is an original character based RPG, based off of the concept of Disney's Sky High, a movie wherein the students/teachers/staff are all super powered.</i>

    Held/Taken ° More General Info

    [info]wannabeheros via [info]superhuman

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