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Tuesday, January 8th, 2008

    Time Event

    Premise | Rules |FAQ's | Master Character List | Taken Characters & PBs | Quidditch Roster
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    Fallacy is a brand new AU Harry Potter game that takes place in Harry's seventh year. The war against Voldemort and his followers is over, having taken place during the summer, Voldemort being the one to fall at Harry Potter's hand. But not everything is as it appears to be and beneath the surface, something is brewing that will change the Wizarding World as we know it forever...

    We just opened on Saturday, January 5th, which translates to October 5th in game. We will be following in real time with school beginning on Monday, the 7th. Many major characters are still available including: Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy, Theodore Nott, Daphne Greengrass, Neville Longbottom, Zacharias Smith, Luna Lovegood, Seamus Finnigan, Dean Thomas, Parvati Patil, Padma Patil, Blaise Zabini, Hannah Abbott, Angelina Johnson, Sally-Ann Perks, Oliver Wood, all other Weasley's save for Fred... and many more. Apply today!


    ||The Premise||Rules||Characters||Application||Play Bys|| FAQ || Friends Button||Contact List||

    tesseract || its || tesseract_ooc

    Tidbit of the Premise:
    Lysander, during his readings through the journals, discovered the story of a Fourth Hallow and with the reluctant help of Hugo and Albus began the search for it. Little did they know that the Fourth Hallow was with them all along. When Hugo Weasley first left for Hogwarts, he had been given a present that his father hadn't received until his seventh birthday. It looked like an ordinary watch. There was nothing spectacular about it and it had been in the Weasley family for ages.

    The boys were outside near the Great Lake, Hugo swinging the watch idly in his hand when his cousin Roxanne (or Roxy as he thought of her) set off one of her father's latest inventions on the boys. In Hugo's attempt to get away from the billowing and smelly smoke, the watch struck rock and popped open for the first time in centuries. There was a rip in time and space; a tesseract.

    The Lowdown:
    In this game not only can you play the epilogue children and acid babies from JK Rowlings notes and interviews, but also any character who may have died during the books. The children are sent back in time to the year 2000 and become stuck there with their parents even though their parents are of the same age. The Tesseract causes the dead to come back to life and no one knows how to stop it. Jumble that up with a release of prisoners from Azkaban and you have holy plot batman. Just think; a world with Gellert Grindelwald or Tom Riddle! The possibilities are endless.

    Most Wanted Characters Include:
    Scorpius Malfoy, Hermione Granger, Harry Potter, Ronald Weasley, Ginny Weasley, Bellatrix Lestrange, Lucius Malfoy, Narcissa Malfoy, George and Fred Weasley, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, Peter Pettigrew, Fenrir Greyback, Pansy Parkinson, Draco Malfoy, Neville Longbottom, Luna Lovegood, Frank and Alice Longbottom, and many many more!

    Do you want to rewrite the past?

    Were you unhappy with Deathly Hallows? Did the epilogue leave you shouting, "WHAT?!" Are you angry about what happened to Snape? Still upset that Sirius died in OotP? Do you simply feel let down, ripped off, betrayed, heartbroken, or just wistful over what could have been? Or maybe you loved the book, but you still don't want to see it all end?

    With magic, almost anything is possible. We can change things. We have the power.

    Operation Redo
    Characters | How To Join | The Story So Far
    We have moved to InsaneJournal!
    Current Player Count: 20 // Current Character Count: 35

    Come play with us!

    Operation Redo is an AU Harry Potter game that combines the Trio and Marauders eras by sending twelve students from the books into the past. We've been around since 2004, but now that there won't be any more new canon to throw us for a loop, we've decided to start over with a clean slate. Therefore, we have many characters up for adoption (see below). The game is het/slash/femslash/adult content friendly, though we concentrate on plot rather than 'ships.

    ( Detailed Premise )

    Needed Characters:

    James Potter & Ron Weasley! )
    Join please.
    [info]lyrictime & [info]unstable ! Any type of lyrics is allowed. Open membership =]
    Original Supernatural RP on LJ
    Rules|Game play|Background and Plot|Setting
    |Species Information|Application|PB Information|Character List
    |Wanted Characters|Players Contact List (*Friends-locked)|FAQ|Getting Started Guide|Adding Friends|

    *The Backstory*
    Shape shifters, vampires, and witches walk among us, undetected for centuries thanks to their cardinal law: Never let the humans know we exist. Of course, such a law is rather difficult to keep in a world where humans and supernatural creatures live side by side so there were stories and legends about fantastic, powerful creatures that stalked the night and walked throughout the daylight hours. Yet, despite the stories, few humans truly believe that such creatures existed. All the better, thought the monsters. All the better to survive, to live, to rule the secret underworld.

    So they have existed, living with the humans, some even evolving to match the modern world but their world was not always peaceful. In all the major cities throughout the world, various species battle for control. The wolves own New York and London, the cats own Cairo and Los Angeles, the witches rule Dublin, Boston, Brighton, Salem. Yet, it is the vampire clans that hold the most power in the world, running major cities such as Tokyo, Hong Kong, Toronto, Berlin, Paris, and San Francisco to name a few. Yet each group wants more and will use their members to get it, whether the members want to be a part of the war or not.

    *The Plot*
    The vampires took control of San Francisco after 1906 but before then the city belonged to the witches and even now the witches scheme to take control once more. In the city there is an uneasy tension between the groups, especially as the Nocturnal clan has started to allow more werewolves in the city, upsetting the were-cats. At the moment there is peace but each group schemes and manipulates the other, their members caught in the middle of age-old grudges, mind games, furious brawls, and romantic entanglements.

    It is up to the leaders of the groups to moderate their members and keep things under control. A different thing to do when the supernatural world seems to be at the edge of an internal war that is likely to spill out into the human world. But where do you stand? Are you going to help your clan retain peace? Or are you out for blood and a slice of your own personal glory? Or perhaps you'd rather sit back and manipulate the others from behind the scenes?

    Either way, come join us in "Everybody's favorite city".


    Your Character, played by...we don't know you tell us!
    A 7th Year Twisted Canon RPG
    Premise | Backstory | Rules | Characters
    Taken PBs |Application | FAQ/Resources
    Wanted SLs

    Where do you lie on the scale? Are you undecided? Are you for the side of good and believe that Harry Potter is still out there, fighting for you? Are you pleased that things are finally the way they should be, with those nasty mudbloods pushed down and punished? Do you just want to make it through the day? And the day after that?

    War is almost here. Whose side will you--or won't you choose?

    Mockery is a Harry Potter Trio-Era game that focuses on the lives and events of everyone BUT the Trio at this point. We are MOSTLY DH compliant (hence, our 'twisted' canon). Not quite canon, not completely AU, Mockery is moving into the Christmas Holidays...where we don't know if everyone who leaves is coming back.

    Most needed characters )

    Be warned: Mockery is not for the faint of heart, the rigidly canon, or the wildly AU.

    Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket


    "The Rising." That's how it came to be known eventually, the day the dead began to rise from their graves and walk once more.

    It began innocently enough. Just a handful of cases located randomly across the country, of the recently deceased coming back to life. At first it was blamed on human error, the doctors must have made a mistake, what other explanation could there be? But it wasn't a mistake and it soon became clear that despite the fact that they were walking around, the recently deceased were still just that... deceased.

    Essentially harmless if somewhat disturbing to see, but with no real sentience and no other signs of life to speak of the walking dead (now known as "The Risen") were placed in quarantine and subjected to procedure after procedure from teams of doctors and scientists determined to find an explanation for the phenomena. No explanation was ever found and the number of walking dead slowly increased.

    Less than one month after the first reported case, the disease mutated.

    A careless lab technician approaching the end of his shift and thinking more about his plans for the evening than of safety was accidentally bitten while taking a saliva sample from one of the risen. Afraid of being quarantined himself he hid his injury from his superiors and went home. He should have known something was wrong when he started feeling dizzy but he told himself he was just overworked and that he just needed to relax. He thought he'd be fine by morning. He was wrong.

    By morning he was dead. Walking dead but different from the others. Self aware, though only minimally, he was governed by a hunger that could only be sated by the taste of human flesh. He attacked everyone he saw, his girlfriend, his neighbours, the mail man, the bus driver, taking a bite from each of them before being fought off. He was apprehended of course and eventually subdued but not before managing to inflict bites on several of the arresting officers.

    Within 24 hours everyone who had been bitten had also become walking dead, consumed with the same hunger for flesh, and in little more than a week, the whole town had been infected. With no one left to even try and contain the contagion, it spread quickly to the next town and then the next, spreading right across the country and then the globe like a wild fire and in just a few weeks the number of walking dead was equal to the number of living... and rising.

    That was a year ago. All that remains of humanity now are the small and remote pockets of survivors that live cut off from the rest of the world in secured compounds, ever watchful of the walking dead that surround them on all sides and hoping desperately that the nightmare will eventually end.

    This is the story of one such group of survivors.


    Wanted Characters | Taken Characters | Streets & Buildings | F.A.Q's | Application | Main Info

    [info]euphorialane, is a post-Hogwarts, post-war canon up to Half Blood Prince game, set in the year 2003 and combining the magical world of Harry Potter, with social expectations and appointments. Unlike other games based on a no-war environment, Euphoria Lane provides mod designated events on a local, national, and international scale, so there will always be a plot to follow, alongside in-depth character development.

    We are looking for motivated and creative role-players, who are willing to put effort into making the Harry Potter world as real as possible, through quality writing and original storylines. If you're a player looking to explore individual depths and development for a character you love, we invite you to join us with your wit, irony, and maybe a little flash of skin.

    In return, we'll tickle your fancy with monthly organized game activities, writing challenges, and a space to create and develop the magical world of Harry Potter. This is a game focused on character development and writing, run by experienced moderators and completely drama free.

    Join Euphoria Lane
    Currently accepting applications


    We are particularly in search for MALES, former Slytherins, and Blood Purists/continuing Voldemort-sympathizers.

    The year is 1976. Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody is playing on muggle radio stations and the VCR has just been released worldwide. Times are changing, and not just in the ordinary world. A dark force governed by an unknown evil has been gathering followers, convinced of pureblood supremacy. People have already begun disappearing. Attacks are becoming more frequent. Alliances are being made in secret.

    Hogwarts cannot go on untouched for much longer. Even the students are getting caught in the power struggle- dividing and picking sides of their own.

    Its evident that something needs to be done soon or the wizarding population will surely dwindle. But how do we know who's corrupt when the toxin is just as secret as the antidote?

    Characters | Application | Rules

    [info]jobberknollrp | [info]jobberknollooc | [info]jobberknollas

    Characters needed: Lucius Malfoy, Rabastan Lestrange, Barty Crouch Jr., Emmeline Vance, Benjy Fenwick, Antonin Dolohov, Hestia Jones, Dorcas Meadowes, Doris Crockford, Gilderoy Lockhart, Ludo Bagman, Ravenclaws, Hufflepuffs, etc!

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