April 9th, 2010

[info]b00t in [info]7thyear

WHO: Terry and Anthony (with implications of Michael early on).
WHAT: Geeky boys bonding (and probably voicing their concerns).
WHEN: September 27th, 1997; Evening.
WHERE: Ravenclaw Commons; 7th Year Boys' Dorm.
RATING: Low I assume, but we'll see?
STATUS: Ongoing.

Terry winced as the soft rubber ball bounced off his forehead, his eyes blinking in astonishment. Gravity, he decided, was rubbish. That or his eye-hand coordination. But Terry had little gift for the latter, and for the past five minutes he'd been lazily tossing the ball up in the air in short, controlled bursts. He'd quietly been impressed by his ability to 'not think' and catch it- but as soon as he did, it all went to shite and the ball, sure enough, smacked him in the head.

He had, honestly, not been fully listening to Michael talk about his preparations for his date, which seemed mostly aimed at Anthony anyway. He'd wanted to pay attention, but his mind soon drifted from Michael's apparent success with women to his own complete lack of it. He became a mental furball the minute a girl- and presumably a boy- would show interest in him. From there, he drifted to thinking about his potion on the desk, and then on to bigger topics.

Blinking, the background voices in Terry's crowded mind came into focus about the time that he wiggled his nose in irritation at the ball smack, and he set it aside. His blue gaze refocused on Michael, who was waving a goodbye to him. "Oh right, later then mate." He said with his own friendly wave. "Good luck, ay?" His eyes watched Michael slip away. Who wouldn't like Michael? He had a lot going for him, physically and mentally. Even Terry noticed them.

Once the boy disappeared and Anthony and he were left to their own devices, Terry sighed and looked at Anthony. His eyes caught what his friend was doing, and he raised a single questioning eyebrow. "Fancy some chess or something?" Terry drawled in his diluted Eastender. "Or do you have duties?"