50 Drabbles Fiction Challenge
Because sometimes 100 words are all you need.

dani_meows posting in 50 Drabbles Prompt Challenge
User: [info]dani_meows
Date: 2007-09-02 08:18
Subject: Labyrinth Drabbles (3/50)
Security: Public
Mood:creative creative
Tags:dani_meows:jareth and sarah, labyrinth

Title: Once upon a time
Word Count:100
Challenge: For my [info]50drabbles, Jareth and Sarah Claim for the prompt Once upon a time.
Warnings: Fluffy
Disclaimer: I don't own them.... If I did I'd probably be a lot richer than I am now.

Follow the Fake cut

Title:Birthday Roses
Word Count:100
Challenge: For my [info]50drabbles, Jareth and Sarah Claim for the prompt Birthday
Warnings: Fluffy
Disclaimer: I don't own them.... If I did I'd probably be a lot richer than I am now.

Follow the fake cut.

Title: A Prince is born
Word Count:100
Challenge: For my [info]50drabbles, Jareth and Sarah Claim for the prompt Prince/Princess
Warnings: Fluffy, mentions of childbirth.
Disclaimer: I don't own them.... If I did I'd probably be a lot richer than I am now.

Follow the fake cut.

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