Past Times, Other Worlds - January 30th, 2008
50alternates Fiction Challenge

Joe Reaves posting in Past Times, Other Worlds
User: [info]50alternates (posted by [info]featheredwolf)
Date: 2008-01-30 23:45
Subject: Tagging
Security: Public
Tags:admin, tags

In addition to tagging your fic with the tag you were given when you claimed can you please tag fics with the fandom/fandoms that they're in. If you're writing a crossover involving fandoms not mentioned in your claim add tags for those too.

I'll be creating fandom tags as and when they're necessary so please check the list and then comment here telling me what fandom you need a tag for and giving a link to the post if you've already made it so I can tag it for you.

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Past Times, Other Worlds
January 2008