4bidden Social

December 13th, 2014

December 13th, 2014

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[ TYPE: Blog Entry. | DATE: Week 9, Wednesday morning. ]

We live in a strange time where the wolves cannot howl and the vampires no longer abide by shadow. So accustomed to danger am I that the mediocrity of mankind is indeed a more frightening proposition than a predator in the dark. There are times – when the frustration is too much – that I wish everything would simply return to... Return to what? Return to normal? There are those who yearn for their notion of normalcy back, yet there are those who yearn for that normalcy to never return. I don't claim to know the correct answer.

I know only that my maker can no longer see me, nor I him, for we have both been deafened and blinded to each other. Selfishly, I search for his footsteps in the snow at night, that I might follow him into the ether... I can no longer decide which of the two is worst; the sound of the bells tolling, or the silence that followed after it...

I think of my master and wish only the best for him, but the price...

… The price sleeps next to me at night.
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