4bidden Social

September 12th, 2014

September 12th, 2014

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Week 5: Wednesday afternoon
Type: Blog - Open

Since I am going to be here awhile, I've decided to explore some options. This does not mean the residents, or comparisons of which is better between red heads, blondes, or brunettes. It also doesn't include fashion trends. Black leather jackets work every season, and Varvatos is my hero. These are known facts.

Actually, I was thinking about a business. I'm always up to improve the family portfolio, and sitting on my ass enjoying the lifestyle of the rich and famous is good, but time to settle in.

Does anyone know anything that might be for sale, or needs to be bought? I'm not above compulsion when it comes to acquisition.

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DATE: Week 5. Sunday. Morning.
TYPE: Blog. Open.

OK, since Derek refuses to even acknowledge that I'm alive or answers my damn questions I'm going to ask everyone else.

Can a human be a Mate to a were? I mean they can't right? Right? It isn't possible. I'm not a were. It just isn't possible right?

But all the damn research that I've done says I am. There is this mark on my hand that looks like it is burnt onto my skin but it doesn't hurt. Anything that I can find that comes close to it calls it a mating mark. Which just isn't possible.

I can't be mated to that asshole. Please tell me it isn't possible.

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[Sunday, week 5, Afternoon, Text to Russel]

Hey Russel. I had a lot of fun running with you the other week. I was wondering if you'd want to run together this full moon?
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