4bidden Social

September 2nd, 2014

September 2nd, 2014

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When: Week 4, Wednesday Morning
Type: Blog, Open

I'm thinking about going to that Masquerade at least. It sounds more like an orgy. My two may be up for it. Personally, I've had something stuck in my head through the last couple weeks, so a party might help me regain some sanity.

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When: Week 4, Tuesday night
Type: Blog, Only open to noted people

(Private to Michael)
I think perhaps it's best if you kept Bella away from me. I know you think I'm just doing this to be an asshole, and maybe in the past I did, but this time is different. I don't trust myself any more than you trust me.

(Private to Mallory Meru)
So what, you don't come and say hello to your big brother anymore?!
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