4bidden Social

August 1st, 2014

August 1st, 2014

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DATE: Week 2. Friday. Evening.
TYPE: Blog. Open.

I was given a laptop and phone about a week ago. I've commented now and then on different blogs but I finally decided to write one myself. I'm Bella Sorrento and I'm Michael Meru's slave. I was recently bought and I think I'm adjusting pretty well. It's different then being at home but I know I could have ended up with a lot worse Master then Meru.

What I'm really excited about right now is that me and my best friend, Malia, have been given permission to create a garden and living area on the roof of Meru's place. He was actually excited about it which just made it that much more better. It will be a lot of work and we really don't see any fruits of our labor until next summer but it will be worth it.

Introduction of Xander's Handyman Business

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Date: Week #2, Friday evening.
Type: Blog - Open.

Just starting this blog to get the word out there. Might be used for other things to eventually, who knows?


Hey! I'm Xander, owner of Xander's Handyman Business.

So what can I help you with?

I can do carpentry, tilling, painting, repair & installation of doors, windows, locks & screens, plastering, some roof works, fencing, repair & install stairs...

There's more I could add to the list, so the best thing would be to ask me, and we can figure out if I can help you or not.

What I can NOT do however is electric works (let's not start fires or short circuits) nor can I do plumbing very well (flooding we do not want that).

Call me or contact me or just come knock on the door. I put a snazzy sign over the door the other day and I have coffee for the thirsty.

Over and out!
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