
July 21st, 2014

July 21st, 2014

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Who: Hunter and Fawn
Where: Dale Cottage
When: Week 2, Monday afternoon
What: Hunter shows Fawn their new home
Rating: TBD, likely low. Warnings for possible incestuous thoughts.
Status: Closed/In progress

When I climb the stairs and turn the key / Oh, please be there )

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WHO: Michael & Dean
WHERE: The woods just outside of Jannti
WHEN: Week 2, Tuesday - dusk
WHAT: Two boys with guns in their blood talk business
STATUS: Closed & in progress

Swimming in adrenaline the sky is caving in, but I will remain the honest soldier )

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WHO: Stefan & Damon
WHERE: Oberyn's house, sitting room
WHEN: Week 2; Sunday, afternoon
WHAT: Damon goes to see his brother
STATUS: Closed & complete

One week a slave. 165 years a brother. )

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WHO: Ambrose and Klaus
WHEN: Week 2, Tuesday Afternoon
WHERE: Ambrose's Home
WHAT: Klaus heard that a child of his that he secretly feels bad about screwing with is in town and wants to say hello.
STATUS: Closed - In Progress

I heard you were in town and thought I'd stop by~ )
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