December 11th, 2012

[info]celandineb in [info]3fan_holidays

Header info!

Eeep! I nearly forgot to post this! The submission deadline is Saturday 15 December, but I think there are several folks who have already finished writing, so here's the header info so you can submit!

If you anticipate not having your drabble/ficlet ready for submission on time, please let me know ASAP, by commenting here or by email. Because posting will start the day after the deadline, extensions really aren't possible, so I'll need to find someone to pinch-hit if you can't finish. But remember, a drabble is sufficient -- the maximum is 2000 words, but the minimum only 100 words!

Please mail your submission to 3fan DOT hols AT gmail DOT com, as an attachment in .doc, .docx, .rtf, .wpd, or .txt format. Thanks and happy writing if you're still finishing up!

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