December 24th, 2009

[info]celandineb in [info]3fan_holidays

Happy holidays, celandineb! -- Birthday Surprise [HP]

Title: Birthday Surprise
Author: TBA
Recipient: [info]celandineb
Fandom: Harry Potter
Characters or Pairing: Charlie Weasley/Neville Longbottom
Rating: PG
Warnings: none
Summary: Charlie's birthday dinner has a surprise ending.
Notes: Thanks to A for the super-quick beta.

( Birthday Surprise )

[info]celandineb in [info]3fan_holidays

And that's a wrap!

All gifts have now been posted; this has been a lovely batch of contributions, I must say!

Author reveals will occur sometime next week (probably the 29th or 30th), so you have a few days yet to read/comment while things are still anon.

Happy holidays, everyone, and thanks for your participation!
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