November 5th, 2009

[info]celandineb in [info]3fan_holidays

2009 sign-up post at LJ!

So... you've finished (or are well along with writing) your fics for other fests. Or maybe you didn't sign up for any, and are now wishing perhaps you had. Perhaps you would like to dip your toes into less-familiar fannish waters, but Yuletide is just too big and full of fandoms you've never even heard of.

Fear not! [info]3fan_holidays to the rescue! All you have to do is be willing to write a drabble or ficlet (100-2000 words) in one or more of these three fandoms: Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, and/or Pirates of the Caribbean.

Sign-ups will continue through midnight on Wednesday, November 11. I anticipate sending out assignments on the 12th or 13th. Ficlets will be due by December 11, giving you four weeks to write. Posting will run from approximately December 12-24, depending on the number of participants. Posts will be made on LJ, although I will put links from the IJ comm mirror. Author reveals will be made on or about December 31.

Given that the number of participants has always been small, I do NOT expect to have to close sign-ups. In the unlikely event that more than 25 people are interested, I may reconsider.

Sign up at LJ!