July 28th, 2008

[info]celandineb in [info]3fan_holidays

Rethinking the fest fandoms

[info]3fan_holidays was created as a holiday exchange in three fandoms: Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, and Pirates of the Caribbean. It has always been a small one, both in terms of number of participants and (deliberately) in the length of the fics written for it, with the intention of keeping things low-key and fun rather than stressful for those involved.

I chose those three fandoms because they were the ones in which I wrote when I started the fest, and my idea was that if anyone bailed at the last minute, I could manage to write any needed pinch-hits. These days, though, I write in other fandoms as well; History Boys and Narnia most often, and I've also written Good Omens, L.M. Alcott, and Jane Austen fics (and will probably have written Swordspoint fic by the time the 2008 holidays roll around).

So. Given that I neither want nor am able to rival [info]yuletide, would people who might be interested in participating in this year's exchange also be interested in adding one or more new fandoms to the traditional lineup of HP, LotR, and PotC? There are TWO polls behind the cut - please take the first poll if you have participated in one or more of the past three exchanges. Take the second poll if you've never participated. Thanks!

[Note: I may also revisit how the fest works, but first things first!]

Both polls are on LJ, to make it easier to keep track!

( Poll for those who have participated in 3fan_holidays before )

( Poll for those who might participate in 3fan_holidays this year )