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The Harry/Draco/Snape Hideout

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F***ing Ridiculous Electronic Device [Sat]
Challenge 38 Slytherins100: enemies
Pairing: dm/hp, dm/ss implied
Word Count: 100 x2
Summary: Harry finds out what bi-platform really means.
A/N:  Another episode in the smutty on-going online saga that  started with 420/Firewhiskey Friendly, followed by mwizard4mwizard and SmoKiiN_HoT_sExY_bLonDe.
Disclaimer: Not mine. Just for fun.

F***ing Ridiculous Electronic Device

Where the Heart Is [Thu]

[ mood | accomplished ]

Title: Where the Heart Is
Author: [info]alisanne
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Severus Snape/Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy
Word Count: ~2000
Genre: Romance, Erotica
Warnings: See genres. ;)
A/N: Written to celebrate Harry James Potter's birthday TODAY! It can be read alone but it will make more sense it read as a sequel to For His Own Good and Double Delivery
Beta: [info]sevfan
Disclaimer: The characters contained herein are not mine. No money is being made from this fiction, which is presented for entertainment purposes only.

Where the Heart Is


New Friends [Sun]

[ mood | relaxed ]

Title: New Friends
Author: [info]alisanne
Character(s): Severus Snape, Draco Malfoy
Pairing(s): SS/HP/DM implied
Rating: PG
Warning(s): See pairing.
Challenge(s): Written for [info]slytherins100's prompt #37: Friends
Word count: 100
Author's notes: Harry explores new friendships.
Disclaimer: The characters contained herein are not mine. No money is being made from this fiction, which is presented for entertainment purposes only.

New Friends


The Truth and Nothing But [Sun]
Title: The Truth and Nothing But
Author: [info]lexywrites
Word Count:100
Pairing: dm/hp/ss
Slytherins100: challenge 36:truth
Snape100 Challenge #239: Potions Ingredients: The A's
Warnings: threesome, mild kink, drug use, voyeurism (all the things that make life worth living)
Summary: Sometimes, the naked truth takes a little extra effort.

The Truth and Nothing But

Quest for Truth [Sun]

[ mood | pleased ]

Title: Quest for Truth
Author: [info]alisanne
Character(s): Severus Snape, Draco Malfoy
Pairing(s): Severus Snape/Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy
Rating: R
Warning(s): Threesome, sexual content
Challenge(s): #36 Truth
Word count: 100 x 3
Beta: [info]sevfan
Author's notes: Harry proves he can handle the truth.
Disclaimer: The characters contained herein are not mine. No money is being made from this fiction, which is presented for entertainment purposes only.

Quest for Truth


A Wing And A Prayer Harry/Draco/Severus Rated R 3/? [Wed]

Title: A Wing And A Prayer
Author: [info]amejistuo
Fandom: Harry Potter with a hint of a crossover to be reveled at a later date.
Pairing: Eventual Harry/Draco/Severus
Word Count for this chapter:
Rating: R
Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoat Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended. .
Warnings/Squicks: Total break from canon after OotP. Misguided!Dumbles, Not so good!Order, bad language and misuse of feathers. Abuse of Chalk Horses. Watch out for a Snickering!Snape as well, although he's usually laughing AT Harry, not with him so hopefully he's not too OOC.
Summary: Harry's about to turn seventeen and is planning on making a few changes. Problem is, there are certain changes he isn't expecting, and they'll alter his life more than he could have ever imagined.
Find the previous parts here.
Beta'd by the wonderful [info]suki_blue. Thank you dearest!

Notes: First things first, while this is a Harry has wings fic, it is NOT a Vanterra or Veela fic. He's got wings for a totally different reason, but the reason will be reveled later on in the fic. You'll figure it out with Harry. I do have to admit that a lot of the ideas of how Harry looks, wingspan, weight, height, all that good stuff, comes from three different sources. One is Warren Worthington III, also know to X-men fans as Angel. Another is Carter Hall, aka Hawkman.

The third is a secret, because I'm using bits of that fandom for a crossover. Not any characters or anything but for historical background.

This is gonna be another slow story folks. I'll be updating about once a month. And yet again I ignore the last two books pretty much altogether. I may use some bits of, say, Severus's back story with Lilly, but there isn't any horcruxes and there was never any oath between Severus and Narcissa to keep Draco safe. Sorry folks, but the last two books aren't my favorite. For god's sake JK made Draco BALD! That's just so wrong.

Chapter Three )
2 >> Comment?

Clever Manoeuvres [Sun]

[ mood | cheerful ]

Title: Clever Manoeuvres
Author: [info]alisanne
Character(s): Severus Snape, Draco Malfoy
Pairing(s): Snape/Potter/Malfoy
Rating: PG
Warning(s): Threesome heavily implied (see pairing).
Challenge(s): #31: War
Word count: 100
Author's notes: Thanks to the Slashchat girls for help with the game references and, as always, to [info]sevfan.
Disclaimer: The characters contained herein are not mine. No money is being made from this fiction, which is presented for entertainment purposes only.

Clever Manoeuvres


Draco Discovers PhotoShop [Sat]
Title:Draco Discovers PhotoShop
Rating: PG
Pairing: SS/DM, SS/HP
Word Count: 100
Warnings: Infidelity
Summary: Severus never learned to share. Draco illustrates why he should.

Draco Discovers PhotoShop


[ mood | sleepy ]
[ music | Real Life- Send me an angel ]

Well, the </a></font></b></a>[info]hp_wankfest reveals are up, so here's mine:

Title: Wistful Thinking
Author: </a></font></b></a>[info]jean_c_pepper
Character: Severus Snape
Location: In a tent
Object: Felix Felicis potion
Other Characters: Harry/Draco (fantasizing about)
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: None, Really.
Word Count: 727
 Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoast books, and Warner Bros., Inc. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.
 Additional Disclaimer: This author is not responsible for underage readers. Please observe the ratings, warnings, and age of legal consent for your country



[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | The Cure- A forest ]

Title: Forming a Lasting Relationship

Author: [info]jean_c_pepper
Threesome: H/D/SS
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Threesome, voyeurism, rimming.
Word Count: 4117
Summary: Harry has been outed by an angry Ginny Weasley. Severus and Draco want to show him what he's only been fantasizing about.
Request: I am open to any grouping of the three except for Severus/Draco. I like Harry/Draco, Severus/Harry, or Severus/Harry/Draco just fine. I prefer fics that are R or NC-17.
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This was created for fun, not for profit.


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