2145 what's in your future?

July 2018


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WELCOME! Feel free to put up a POST with ideas for your character so you can start pre-plotting and getting connections before you enter into game.

premise ﴿﴾ rules ﴿﴾ cast ﴿﴾ apply ﴿﴾ locations ﴿﴾ cybernetics ﴿﴾ inspirations ﴿﴾ brainstorm ﴿﴾ DROPBOX ﴿

Jul. 21st, 2018



It's been 84 years....

Hey everyone, new and old alike! I'm Natasha, you may remember me from previous games run by our lovely mod teams. To the old guard: It's good to see you again, and to those I haven't met yet: Hello! I'm Natasha! I've been writing for gosh knows how long, in various RP settings.

So this is Arcas aka Arc. She's 25, with thigh strength that could crush a watermelon. If you're into that sort of thing ;) She doesn't remember a damn thing before the age of 15, when she woke up with enhanced cybernetics and a creepy guy standing over her saying she was now his indentured servant, or at least that of a mysterious employer.

If you're of the DnD type, Arc has the feat known as 'I know a guy'; the kind of person whose made enough oddball connections through her scaling of the city that she can get you what you need, or at least know who to talk to, to get it from.

Please feel free to hit me up either here or on Discord. I love to plot and come up with some great stories.

Additionally, if you're not up for a scene, Arc is totally up for text messaging. We don't have to neccesarily write a scene if your character needs/wants to avail themselves of Arc's services.

Mar. 26th, 2018



out of town!

Alright team, I'm headed out of town for work so my during the day time might be limited for the next few days.

That said, I'll also be alone in a hotel room at night, so someone please entertain me in the evenings.

Just...FYI for slow.

Still. All my people want all your people so let's make it happen. xoxo kit

Mar. 12th, 2018



Does anyone wants JJ


I have Jamie free if anyone wants him for a scene. He didn't get put on punishment duty, so he's all kinda of free. He lives in Southside, on the border with Midtown, but I could come up with reasons for him to be elsewhere. I'd love to get him more connections in game!


Mar. 6th, 2018



Who's in trouble?

Hey guys

So the latest game update has people who may find that they've been caught unawares during the fireworks night and sentenced to community service.

If you have a character who has been convicted, comment below - community service will all be down in the sewers, so it give a good chance for your character(s) to meet people they may not otherwise have a chance to meet!

Mar. 5th, 2018



Event warning

hey guys, game will be moving on tomorrow. If you have any placeholders for current scenes, get them up!