Posts Tagged: 'c:+kenzie+montgomery'

Sep. 8th, 2022



Email: Cast & Crew of Grace

Who: The Cast & Crew of 'By the Grace of St. Mungo'
What: Season 03...
When: 09/08/28; evening
Warnings: None

Here we go again! )



Post: the 2-hour event.


@WeeVee Who do you want to spend the end of the world with? Watch as Grace and her best friends have to ask themselves that very question in our season finale.


#weeveeproductions #ByTheGraceOfStMungo @silviyacapper @benniealvarez @thunderbirdevans @kenziefrenzie @wescarlisle @lynnquigs @beaurosemont @CappingEntertainment @HilliardProductions

Jun. 18th, 2022



rp: Pink Plush Bedroom

Who: Kenzie & Wes
What: Mornings Together
When: 18 June, 2028
Warnings: NSFW
Status: Complete

Pink Plush Bedroom )

Jun. 11th, 2022



rp: meeting babes

Who: Kenzie & Hailey
What: Meeting Babies
When: 11 June, 2028
Where: Hyperion's House
Warnings: TBD
Status: In-progress

How had it happened? )

Jun. 9th, 2022



Texts: Baby News

Who: Lucy to Molly, Kenzie, Lyra, and the Weasley family group chat
What: After taking a day to process what happened, Lucy reaches out to her people to give them the news.
When: 9 June 2028
Warnings: References to premature labor and stillborn baby
Completion Status: In progress

witty text here )

Jun. 4th, 2022



Post: You are sunshine

Who: Jasper Knottingley, open
What: Winstagram post
When: 4 June 2027
Warnings: None

jazzper Basking in the sunshine with @kenziefrenzie

4 June 2027

May. 22nd, 2022



Winstagram: Lost to Music


kenziefrenzie: I'm electric, I'm bass, I'm the beat of my own drum. I could make your goosebumps raise with the tracing of my thumb. Only love can get inside me. I move in my own timing. Voice of the future, speak to me kindly #iamwoman #EmmyMeli #iamdivine

May. 14th, 2022



Post: Do it yourself

Who: Albie + Open
What: Winsta-gram post
When: 14 May 2028
Warnings: N/A

itsjustalbie The look of ✨concentration✨ painting the new house

📸: @ridewithscor

14 May 2028

May. 4th, 2022



rp: Take Time Off

Who: Kenzie & Jasper
What: Taking Time Off
When: 05 May, 2028
Where: Jasper's Apprenticeship with Scarlett's grandfather
Warnings: TBD
Status: In-progress

Ripped jeans, sweatshirts, and blunts )

May. 3rd, 2022



Winstagram: can you fix the broken?

Who: Kenzie Montgomery
What: Winstagram Post
When: 03 May, 2028
Warnings: TBD


kenziefrenzie: The higher I get, the lower I'll sink. I can't drown my demons, they know how to swim Can you feel my heart? Can you hear the silence? #selfreflection #BMTH