Posts Tagged: 'd:+2028+01'

Jan. 29th, 2022



Texts: Applications

Who: Dominique, Lucy, Mia, Frankie
What: Dom has work on the brain
When: 29 January 2028
Warnings: N/A
Completion status: Complete

To Frankie )

To Lucy )

To Mia )



RP: Bartender or Therapist?

Who: Jaimeson and Alex
What: The bartender and the sad patron strike up a conversation.
When: 27 January 2028 [backdated]
Where: The Leaky Cauldron
Warnings: Depressed thoughts
Completion Status: Complete

blowing it )



Post: My little constellation

Who: Albie + Open
What: Winsta-gram post
When: 29 January 2028
Warnings: N/A

itsjustalbie Just a little constellation 🌟

Art courtesy of @illustratedraz

29 January 2028



Text: To Tina

Who: Daani, Tina
What: Minor glee
When: Early Sat 29th
Warnings: Talking about stalker things unknowingly
Completion Status: Ongoing

I forgot to tell you )

Jan. 27th, 2022



rp: baby daddies

Who: Kenzie & Lyra
When: January 27, 2028
What: Checking on old friends
Where: Lyra's home
Status: In-progress
Warnings: tbd

Baby Daddies )



RP: Craft, dance, talk

Who: Katarina, Jules
What: Looking for someone else
When: 27th Jan 2028
Where: The Creative Collection
Warnings: Chronic illness stuff mention
Completion Status: Complete

Not the crafter you're looking for )



RP: Too Much Energy. Why Not Get Spells Thrown At Me?

Who: Rhys + Hailey
What: Rhys wants to Duel
When: 1/27/2028
Where: Enfield, UK
Warnings: N/A
Completion Status: Ongoing Faded Out

I want someone who's going to fight back. )



[No Subject]

Who: Daani and Dante (NPC)
What: An anonymous gift is left on Daani's work desk.
When: 27 January 2028
Where: ICW office, the Ministry
Warnings: Stalker things
Completion Status: Complete

the path waits for breaking )




Who: Lyra and Miguel
What: A break in parenting.
When: 23 January 2028 [Backdated]
Where: Their sitting room, Malfoy family home
Warnings: Tbd, likely none
Completion Status: In progress

once upon a sleeping baby )

Jan. 26th, 2022



RP: Theatre

Who: Beau, Nate
What: Date night
When: 26 January 2028
Warnings: TBC
Completion status: Ongoing

As long as he never had to watch himself act, Beau enjoyed all sorts of performance art when he got a chance to see it )