The shift in her wards that let her knew Wes had arrived was what had woken the woman. A lazy mentality was what had kept her in bed long enough to eavesdrop just a touch on the men in the kitchen. One rule that Kenzie liked to hold herself to, was to be honest with everyone she was sleeping with. They would know they weren't the only one, and if they were comfortable enough with it all, they would even know just who the other's were. At the moment, she was on a healthy diet of Jasper, Albie, and Wes. All three of which knew about each other, and so she found herself in no rush to get moving quickly.
She took her time cleaning up, and quietly slipping into an old Foo Fighters shirt she had had since Hogwarts, and clean pair of navy blue knickers, before padding barefoot out into the room. One hand came up to try to brush her mess of curls from her back. "I forgot again, didn't I?" she asked Wes, a vague memory of shutting off an alarm she thought was set for filming off. Well damn.
As she walked over to Wes to snag her cup of coffee, she gave Albie that seductive smile she'd been working on for a weeks now. He was definitely not going unnoticed, she so enjoyed their midnight rendezvous. "Morning," she said happily, before she was in front of Wes, wrapping arms around him in a hug. "My excuse is standing in his boxers," she told him, motioning with her head towards Albie. Completely comfortable around both men, even as the shirt rode up to expose her rear, when she hugged Wes.