At least he was taking her... mood... in stride. Maybe he knew what it felt like - post-moon mania and all that? Not that this was that; she'd been 'manic' for a couple of months now, since... Albie... But Kieran didn't know all that. She kind of liked that.
She shrugged, "It's not the first time. My Dad's great and all, but he uses his... resources," money and sheer physicality, she thought, "to get what he wants. Sometimes what he wants is to make sure I'm absolutely incapable of getting into trouble." Not that she had been much trouble in her life before the last year or so. She'd been more depressed and listless than anything, if she were honest with herself. Surly, sure, but not causing issues like she had. Not that her dad knew the details of her spiral, but he knew she wasn't well.
"So, you live here?" She asked looking around with a slight wrinkle of her nose. The flat was... disheveled. Like him. She couldn't imagine what it was like to get a flat on one income, a non-profit, Werewolf income at that. She wondered how well Belby Assembly paid - not much by the look of things.