April 26th, 2022



post: let's meet!


@blueskyes It's time! Let's meet up for The Book Ends April 2028 Discussion! April 28th, Sweet Nothings, 7pm. @melindasweets of @SweetNothingsVictoryRd is staying open late for us! Hope to see you there to discuss "The Kite Runner" by muggle author Khaled Hosseini. #TheBookEnds #bookendsbookclub #booknerds #goodreads #goodbooks #bookclubs



post: fam date night


@tinkerer Had a movie and dinner date night with Dad (@TheGaspard) last night, was so nice to catch up about everything BUT work! Next time, we're definitely dragging Mum out, too!

#workaholic #family #luckiestdaughterever #newmovies #robertpattinsoncangetit #yesiknowhestwicemyage #whatever #agirlcandream #dontbemadXan!



post: wind in your hair


@lynnquigs "Forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair." — Khalil Gibran

#cliffsofmoher #lastweekend #hiking #weekendaway #ireland