April 18th, 2022



Text: Ugh, men!

Who: Sofía, Bash
What: Venting
When: 18 April 2028
Warnings: Language
Completion status: Complete

I need to complain. )



RP: Like butter, melted all over

Who: Hunter, Molly
What: An anniversary trip to Barcelona
When: 17 April 2028
Warnings: Fluff
Completion status: Complete

It seemed like fate that their one-year anniversary had fallen during a break in the season. )



Group Text: McFamily rumours

Who: Hunter, Skye, Harrison, Scarlett
What: Hunter gets back from his romantic trip to find that the rumour mill has been at work
When: 18 April 2028, late evening
Warnings: TBC
Completion status: Ongoing

Does anyone want to take a guess of how many missed calls I had from Mum and Dad? )



Post: A big chop

Who: Albie + Open
What: Winsta-gram post
When: 18 April 2028
Warnings: N/A

itsjustalbie Snip snip ✄✄

18 April 2028



Social Media: Laundry snafu

Caleb O'Leary •••
Didn't pay attention when I was putting laundry back on. So now my still too soggy clothes are getting an extra rinse instead of an extra spin.
And I'd had such a nice day spending time with family. Extra waiting before that can go up then.