October 10th, 2021



rp: no warning

Who: Kenzie & Jasper
What: Surprise!
When: 10 October, 2027
Where: Jasper's Love Shack
Warnings: Weed smoking
Status: Complete

Little too late )



Text: weddings, Halloween, etc

Who: Tina & Liam
What: texts
When: 10 October, 2027
Warnings: none
Status: complete

Tina: I don't think I enjoy having roommates. Clary is perfectly nice and literally the best roommate anyone could ask for. I miss it being my space though.
Tina: does that sound silly?



Texts and Plans

Who: Holly, Jules, Victoire, Alexander
What: Holly wants to host some friends?
When: 10/10/21 lunchtime
Warnings: None
Completion Status: Ongoing

Alexander )

Jules )

Victoire )



Texts: Wes, Aldritch, Coira, Rae

Who: Violet, Wes, Aldrich, Coira, Rae
What: Some relief.
When: 10/10/21; morning
Warnings: None
Completion Status: Closed

Wes )

Aldrich )

Coira )

Rae )



Winstagram: am I doing it?


ridewithscor: Am I doing this right?#askingforafriend



Text: Sappy thoughts

Who: Dagny Pucey-Connelly, Thad Nott
What: Text
When: 10 October 2027
Warnings: None
Completion status: Complete

I'm trying to write something, but all I can think about is you. It's very distracting 🙄
Want to plan a date for next week? I was thinking bowling or a walk at the seaside or something?



Texts: Reaching out

Who: Beau, Kenzie, Nate, Wes
What: More of Beau's ongoing contemplation
When: 10 October 2027
Warnings: TBC
Completion status: Complete

Kenzie )

Nate )

Wes )