September 18th, 2021



RP: I’m Freaking Out!

Who: Coira and Violet
What: Chet asked Coira on a Date!
When: 9/18/2027
Warnings: Anxiety
Completion Status: Complete

What do I do!? This is new to me! )



Winstagram: Gossip


gossipguru SPOTTED! Albie Potter has a new tattoo! The words "might as well" are now permanently stamped on his left hip, and we're full of wondering at what it might mean. Rumor has it he's been spending loads of time with werewolf Warrington heiress, Maria. Could it have anything to do with the apparent fact that they are officially a couple now? That doesn't seem like the best mindset with which to enter a new relationship though. #gossip #tattoo #pottergossip #newrelationship #curiosity #letsspeculate



RP: Date night

Who: Tina, Miguel, & Lyra
What: Outbursts, Confessions, and Things
When: 18 September, 2027
Where: Lyra's Work
Warnings: Talk of sex
Status: Complete

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