September 8th, 2021



Text: Definitely Not Work Related

Who: Jeremy + Benny
What: Texting
When: 9/9/2027
Warnings: N/A
Completion Status: Ongoing Complete

Shot In the Dark. Wanna Do Something Sometime? )



Winstagram: Gossip


gossipguru It's been an interesting week for secret affairs... Rumor has it magical creatures wrangler, Teddy Lupin, was spotted cosying up to a certain professional escort. Is it possible Harry Potter's godson can't get a date he doesn't have to pay for? Also spotted was newlywed Miguel Peña-Griffiths heating things up on the dance floor with tattoo artist, Raziel Abadi. Trouble in paradise already? And there's also been rumor that the newly unemployed music editor, Aldrich Reynolds snuck off during last night's Magpies vs. Pride match, presumably to shag spunky beautician, Scarlett McLaggen. Couldn't find someone his own age? I know I'll be watching to see how these affairs unfold. #secrets #gossip #affairs #secretaffairs #letsspeculate